Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Well, now I know what Misha might look like if she were in this world...

...seriously, just... awwwwwwwww.

Good cosplay of my favourite characters is something that'll always win me over; good cosplay staged in appropriate settings, even moreso. (The Crescent Chronicle picture is particularly aww-worthy, in my book.) I kind of wish she'd saved the images at higher quality, because the pixellisation kind of spoils them; but other than that, hats off to Sei Kein Zala for some truly impressive work that also simultaneously reveals the secret of how Misha gets those drums to stay up in her hair.

Now if only we can get some Mirs and Ayatanes out there; I trust that you'll all keep me updated on this matter. ;) I'd sort of like to try Ayatane myself, but that armour is ridiculous, and would take more skill than I have to make and more money than I should spend to commission, most likely. Still, it'd be so much fun to run around as him. I would shout "Q" at things a lot. XD


thundercloud82 said...

Yeah, she looks great as Misha. Orica has links to cosplay pics, including those by Sei Kein Zala on her blog. There is even one of Shurelia.

Ayulsa said...

Oh, excellent. Thanks for the tip-off! :) I've been Googling around for more AT cosplays, but haven't really found anything, not even in Japanese...

aquagon said...

She is indeed a very good cosplayer (wonders how she would fare in a cosplay contest singing one of Misha's hymns).

thundercloud82 said...

Several months ago, there was a youtube video of three cosplayers singing Phantasmagoria. I can't find it anymore, so I guess it's gone now...

aquagon said...

I also saw it, and I also found one video of two girls doing a cosplay of Luca and Chroche, but doing something like a swordfight... (It was pretty odd, to say the least)

Ayulsa said...

I found the Luca/Chroche swordfight here, but like you said, the Phantasmagoria one doesn't seem findable. Shame; I would have liked to see that.

There's a walk-on Claire here, too.

thundercloud82 said...

Weird yes, but they looked good in costume. ...And someone needs to tell them that Chroche is taller than Luca.

The Claire costume looked good. Song in the background is awesomeness! :P

aquagon said...

I have found it~!


But the real shame is that no one recorded anything of the event where the singers themselves performed some of the hymns live (specially the Phantasmagoria one).

Here is the info about that event:


Ayulsa said...

That is so adorable. ^___^ A shame we didn't get footage of the official band, yes, but still worthy of an "awwwww" award. :) Thanks so much for refinding this!

thundercloud82 said...

Great job aqua-kun! That second video "????-Family" with the added girl is cute too.