I'd been speculating about what EXEC_HARMONIOUS/., as song magic, actually did, and I found out that my rather wild speculation (as deduced from the lyrics and from what Misha used it for) was actually correct; it's basically used to open up another person's mind to the emotions contained within the song, to encourage them to be receptive to and believe what the song says. (Which does make sense given its use in game, but I'd been going off the theory that the designers were having Misha sing it because it would remind Mir of her previous emotions, without really taking into account what the song originally did; i.e. that its power for Mir was solely in being a memory-trigger because of the lyrics, not that it was literally intended as a magical trigger anyway. I'm quite gratified that they actually didn't handwave away the song's original effect when Misha had to sing it for Mir; that was the song's original effect, to bring people back to themselves. That's tighter plotting than I'd expected.)
Anyway, that's been added to my list of Things Mir Does That Are Awesome, because, seriously? You're this artificial intelligence created basically as a song-generating powerhouse, and the first thing you ever think to do with all that power is to create a song inspiring people to throw away their painful illusions and be filled with hope and joy? It's such a simple idea in some senses, yet so stunningly wise; she could have been sidetracked by a thousand lesser ideas about what would be interesting or necessary or even "cool", could have been caught up in so many of society's little (and grand) illusions about What We Really Need, illusions like wars and guns and nations that fight the surface level of the problem while perpetuating its deeper layers. She could have been swallowed up by negative emotions, by pain, by sorrow, by fear, and crafted something that she thought would temporarily alleviate that.
There were so many options, the vast majority of them petty and flawed, and I'm suspecting she didn't exactly have many sources of positive inspiration. But she was astute enough - possibly, actually, because she was an AI, and her emotions developed gradually rather than bombarding her all at once - to see straight to the core of all of her, and everyone else's, problems.
And if that's not "cool", then I don't know what is.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
And among other things, I have found something that is pretty much an insult to all the conclusions we made about this and Rig=Veda...
The last post in that page, and all the ones in the following page.
Tell me what you think (heck, it's so hard to try and research a little the effects of the songs and their story?)
Hmm... a little correction, only the first posts of the page that comes next (though still these conclusions aren't as in depth as the ones we made)
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