Sunday, 14 September 2008

EXEC_RE=VOLITION/.: a hymn for Mir

With many, many thanks to aquagon for the translation of this into Hymmnos; I'm overjoyed that I was able to have this rendered in the language, since my own abilities with it are sub-par to say the least. I tweaked it just slightly, just because some of the Hymmnos has slightly different connotations from my original draft, and I wanted to keep the meaning even if it it doesn't translate word for word.

A fan hymn for Mir, covering the AT3 redemption scenario I've been discussing here previously.


Was apea erra hyma rre ciel sonwe sos mea
I will be eternally immersed in happiness to hear the world sing for me

en firle rre ciel harmon rol nnoi...
and to feel the world come together as one...

Mea en yora wis faura, ciel wis pono
We are baby birds, and the world is an egg

yetere faura na pecee faura pono, faura zodal beng quon
If the baby bird does not break its egg, it will die before it is born

so pecee, diasee, pecee beng rre zodal ciel enclone yora
So hatch, children of God, before you are wrapped up by the dying world

celetille dyya messe anw talam
The new day brings the colour of dawn

Sev rre yorr walaka tes dor, firle anw ture dor
When you walk on the earth, feel you're bound to the earth

yehah grlanza cyui zash
To dance with joy causes you pain

Rrha apea ra stel yor vl viega uje mahin
In this lasting trance, immersed in happiness, I will snatch you from the cruel hands of the blades

yanje, iem en yanhe, rre yorr goa walaka anw lir
For eternity, from now and forever, you will only walk towards the light

Manafeeze wis yanje gyen anw akata
To be alive is to be eternally weaving a story

Rrha apea ra gyen akata yor, rre sorr akata yanwe anw ciel, so rre yorr drone
In this lasting trance, immersed in happiness, I will craft you a story that will turn this world into greatness, so take it in


Cexm! pat yor vl yor hyzik en sacra, so chsee yor
Come! I will liberate you from your body and blood so that you may be transformed

(Cexm! pat yor vl yor cyuie hopb, so chsee yor)
(Come! I will liberate you from your sorrowed heart so that you may be transformed)

fandel hynne oz hymme fau
The endless voices of the singing birds

fandel quive hynne oz grlanza qraffa
The endless soft voices of the dancing leaves

Hyma! ciel spiritum waath vl omnis
Listen! As the spirit of the world revives from everywhere

(Hyma! ciel spiritum waath tes yor innna
(Listen! As the spirit of the world revives within your heart)

parge yor chs oz lurrea en gyuss anw wol lusye
Let go of your fear of change and embrace the rushing light

gral yor nyasri slepir tes dor
All your sorrows have been put to sleep inside the earth

so, dor tie yor nyasry, so yor revm famfa
So let the earth restrain your sorrows so that your dreams may fly

gott! Rrha guwo gaya gott denera, gatyuny, gauzewiga vl ciel!
Be gone! In this resentment I will never feel again, I will drive away the evil ones, the curses and the despair from this world!

gott! Rrha guwo gaya gott werllra, polon, orviclle vl ciel!
Be gone! In this resentment I will never feel again, I will drive away the tears, the loneliness and the obstacles from this world!

yanje na firle lurrea!
I won't feel pain anymore!

beng iem, zauve oz yora wis na vit
Before now, even the most clever of you were blind

iem vit sorr lir wis gyen tes lyuma
Now see the light that's been crafted in the stars

hymme eazas mea! parge yor zeeth
Sing together with me! Cast away your chains

celetille dyya messe anw talam
The new day brings the colour of dawn

viss anw wart wis fountaina tes lyuma
Read the words that are hiding in the stars

rre yorr gran anw dand, en parge vonn wis fountaine cest vl yor eux
Open the curtain; banish the darkness that hides the truth from your eyes

hymme eazas mea! hymme yora briyante
Sing together with me! Sing with voices of joy

fama tes yanje fwal, rre yor vit talam
Flying on eternity's wings, you can surely see the colour of dawn

Anything in parentheses = sung by a choir. The rest are Mir's lines.

And yes, I took the opportunity to shamelessly have her sing paraphrased quotes from Utena in Hymmnos, because I could. :) I thought it was fitting since Mir likes her bird metaphors so much, and this song, and her goal, is all about transformation.

The title is also a pun, again with some Utena undertones, though that wasn't the main reason for using it, just a little incidental connection to the lyrics. It almost seems to read "revolution", meaning a complete upheaval or transformation of the world, but it's actually "re-volition", meaning "again, use your volition (will)". The first use of will to effect mass change by the Reyvateils was when Mir led them in a war against the humans, so the title implies that this song is Mir's new volition, or new act of will; an act in the vein of her old one, a "retry", yet vastly improved. I may also write a hymn for Mir's Reyvateil war, and if I do, I'll probably base it on this one somewhat so as to emphasise that this song is a reprise from back then.

There's also another thread of referencing going on here. Suffice to say, I'm doing something here with "snatching up", "body and blood", transformation, and the idea of voices raised in joy. Yes, I am going there. We're talking about someone who is in some way taking up the mantle of the Trio of Elemia: the dream of transforming the world into a paradise. I think I can get away with the imagery.

It doesn't flow very well as a song in English because I was trying to fit it to Hymmnos vocabulary as best I could. I'll possibly write a more polished set of English lyrics later that will act as a more liberal translation.

And no, I have no idea how you shout "cexm". I'll leave working that one out to the Reyvateils among you. :D


aquagon said...

cexm is pronounced "cexum"

Ayulsa said...

Good to know! I really was not sure about that one.

Come to think of it, there isn't really a pronunciation guide for Hymmnos, and a lot of the pronunciations are fairly difficult to work out. Where do you get the proper pronunciations from?

aquagon said...

It's easy if you know how to read katakana, because all of the pronunciations are in the Hymmno Server site, and for reference, if there are any consonants placed oddly like that, then you just have to add a soft "u" between it and the next consonant (examples: bexm-->bexum, ftt-->futt)

Ayulsa said...

I can read kana, yes. I'll definitely check that out. Thanks a lot!

thundercloud82 said...

Good song - btw

Ayulsa said...

Thanks! I wish it flowed better in English (and that I wish I knew how well it flowed in Hymmnos; it's really hard to tell from just looking at it, for someone who doesn't have an instinctive idea of how long the words are).

ars said...

Hmph, leaving it up to the reyvateils, ey? You lazy virus. Get off your data and do stuff, too :P

Your hymn is really good, though. I especially like the quotes.

Ayulsa said...

Hey, a virus's life is a busy one! Constantly propagating, looking for new vectors along which to spread infection... it's not easy being memetic. =D

Also, consider yourself added to my list of potential hosts... I mean, blogroll. Welcome!

Anonymous said...

That title is singularly clever!

I rather like the idea that Mir is going to rapture everyone. I just hope she doesn't leave all the neko and bunnies and things behind.

Also, q.

Ayulsa said...


I had a whole lot of fun with the title and references here, I do admit. I'm quite pleased with it. If I do get around to writing the Reyvateil-war hymn for Mir, I'll be naming it EXEC_VOLITION/. to match this one, but honestly, I do not think I'm ever going to top this title pun.

Chibi!Shurelia: "Mir-sama, when I go to heaven, will my bunny be there too?"

Ayulsa said...

...but yes, seriously, I do think Mir would be an equal-opportunity rapturer. I don't see why she'd have the "and man has dominion over the animals" thing going on that the Christian God has, especially since at that point in her life she'd likely be a bit shaky on the idea of one species having power over another just because they saw the other species as "something that doesn't really feel or think that we can just use however we want". I think that'd be a bugbear for her. And there's no reason a perfect world can't include animals. :)

I just couldn't resist the play on the whole "will my pets go to heaven" thing, especially because I've been reading a few comments on Slacktivist about that sort of thing recently (hey, I should add that to my blogroll. It'll look so weird next to all the AT blogs. ;)

I particularly liked the comment that was in favour of telling kids that bunnies go to heaven because it wasn't like heaven was a literal place, but a state in which one has ultimate fulfilment and happiness, and if the best way to represent that to a kid was with "all the things you care about will be with you" then that's more accurate; it's not like heaven has physical bunnies wandering around, but if it's an ideal state for you, what you love will be there with you in every way that matters, right?

(Not to, uh, turn this thread into a theological debate.)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you have a good point that she ought to be sensitive to that...

...I read that as "equal-opportunity rapper". Check it out.

Ayulsa said...

Yep, Mir don't rap about no pimps and hos. She understands the injustices that have been wrought by the culture of patriarchy and strives to avoid stereotypes in order to redress the gender imbalance that plagues modern society.

...I cannot believe I just wrote that.