I hadn't heard this particular Weird Al song before (warning: lyrics are occasionally family-unfriendly), but for some reason I just literally could not stop laughing the whole way through. I don't usually outright burst into laughter at songs, even if they're funny ones; I just grin to myself. And I usually am not that amused simply by the fact that thing A is touted as being able to do non-sequitur B; it's easy humour, anyone can do it, and it's usually not all that clever (and it isn't clever here). But this just got to me.
Actually, I think it's the idea of this being Mir's ultimate plan that makes it specifically funny to me. =P
I think for Phoenix Wright fans, the best lol comes at the "it'll change your name to..." bit. Wait for it. :)
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
That song was win! ;)
I am still cracking up at the image of Mir as responsible for littering, overwriting your music collection with British prog-rock, and pink leotard obsessions.
...and it sort of makes me imagine Shurelia in the role of Weird Al going "omg, forward this to everyone you know!!1!". Which is an image that just really should not be.
Hi Ayulsa! ^__^
Hi! :)
...I should really get one of those shoutboxes so people can talk to one another.
Hm, yay, more chatboxes, haha! :)
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