I don't think Mir ever tried to kill anyone by wrapping them in giant twisty stalks of bamboo, though.

Also, Mister Blue Hair Light Detectin' Man, who has vaguely Ayatane-like tattoos on his face in this and only this panel for some reason (actually, I suspect someone drew on the comic), really should have tried harder to find the answer to the question of why "the monster threatened and then spouted music and poetry". Perhaps if he hadn't gone, "well, gee willikers, I dunno, but probably because it was an evil monster?", this story, like Ar Tonelico, would have had a better ending.
And no, I'm not sure what the "hash" bit was all about. The computer had an encrypted identification key?
1 comment:
LOL. This amused me so. It does look like someone drew on the comic.
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