For those following the news on Cross Edge, the crossover RPG including characters from Ar Tonelico, Thunder's given us an update on the latest announced costumes for the Reyvateil characters.
Spoilers, obviously, exist over there for the costumes, but I thought it was at least my duty to inform from whence I got the new Ayatane avatar. Apologies if seeing the new art is slightly spoilery for anyone here, but I just had to grab that as an icon; the humanity and genuineness on his face, particularly as as contrasted with his previous artwork, just caught my attention. Besides, I've been needing a matching avatar for this blog for a while now... although it suddenly occurs to me that the layout itself doesn't really match with Ar Tonelico's Sci-Fi Future stylings very well. (What I really want is to rip that circuit-board pattern from the Cross Edge site, which you may be able to tell I used a bit of in my icon. Something about the way it's animated in the Flash really appeals to me somehow. Energy flowing; data transferring. It'd be a good fit for this blog, even if it won't be animated. Now I just need to be quick enough on the Print Screen draw...)
Also, apparently Bourd is playable. I'm sure you all know what I'm thinking right now: "why Bourd and why not Mir?" That's no fair exchange. Blah.
I had a dream last night that I was trying to get to a railway station called Ar Tonelico. Instead I ended up on a train to a station with a really similar name that I had mistaken for Ar Tonelico, and got really lost. The question I really want to ask my subconscious is, how many names could be that similar to Ar Tonelico?
Oh, and randomly, guys: what's the difference between following a blog and adding it to your blogroll? I mean, I can see from here when everyone's updated, so is there a need to actually follow people? Does it do anything useful?
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
I think the only difference is being able to see updates on your dashboard... Some people have more than one blog, so it might help with that. Also, if you don't want anyone to know you're following a certain blog, that helps too. :P
Otherwise, there's not too much of a difference. Besides showing how popular one is. :P
Okay, noted. :) I just wondered if it would give me some info I wasn't already getting from the sidebar. It makes more sense if you have more than one blog, yes...
Yep...and Rar & Lazy are cheating. They're following their own blogs, haha!
If Bourd turns out to be playable, I'm not using him ever. That's for sure! Also, I realy don't see why Ayatane would be included, but not Mir.
We're not cheating! We're just... Raising are amount of followers! /ok
I can't believe anyone would want to play as Bourd! Whoever goes, "Hey, that guy is cool! I want to play as him"?
I haven't looked, but is there any chance of a playable Tastiella? That would be made of awesome.
(Ignore previous deleted comment; logged in wrongly.)
Re: Bourd, I have no idea. I mean... he has no fan following. He has no "secretly rather cool minor character" factor going on. He's not even endearingly incompetent. He's just generically mean and brutish.
No appearance of Tastiella yet, though I agree I'd adore that. I shall keep you posted if they make any changes to the final roster: right now it's just Aurica, Misha, Shurelia, Ayatane and Bourd.
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