A friend and I had been speculating on the reasons for Shurelia's sudden personality switch halfway through Ar Tonelico. Our best guess: the Tower of Ar Tonelico was not shut down correctly and Shurelia lost some vital data, as illustrated by this cute pic I just got in the mail.
Personally, I want this to be my Windows shutdown-fail screen. Perhaps I can at least hack the text into the BIOS?
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Haha, well. I was thinking that since she was finally out of that armor, she was able to come out of her shell and show her true self. :P
She was probably always like that, just super serious when doing her military stuffs I guess. XD
I think the same as Rar, and about her personality change, I guess it was only because she was breaking the shell she made around herself after sealing Mir, since she said she wa betrayed many times and lost many friends during the war.
I agree with Rar & aqua-kun. Shurelia herself even says that she feels normal again since she started traveling with Lyner.
About that war...do you guys suppose that reyvatiels & their partners were fighting against each other instead of with each other? Sounds like the ultimate betrayal to me. ...maybe that's what Shurelia was talking about?
Hmm, it's quite possible, since the Reyvateils that joined Mir's side would have been fighting to destroy humanity.
On the other hand, though, why would Shurelia's partner be fighting her? Shurelia wasn't on Mir's side, so there's no reason humans would have turned on her, and Shurelia talks about being betrayed in rather personal terms, I think. I always thought it was Mir and those who followed her who betrayed her (though one could argue that from Mir's perspective, Shurelia betrayed Mir by not signing up to fight the humans with her; the bottom line was, they turned against each other).
It would be funny if she did lose vital data. Like losing a screw :o
Hmm, it seems to me like she was much better at dealing with people and appearing competent before she joined the party. Afterwards, she didn't even seem to be too good at practical interactions-- as if, because she didn't know much about friendships and the like, her ability to command others also collapsed.
I really do think she fell apart in that respect, yes; she just became fairly muddled on all levels. The closest I could come to an explanation other than "your sysadmin has suffered a serious error, please restore from backup" is that, when she finally felt inclined to open up to people, it had been so long since she'd done it that it just messed her head up completely; she was overwhelmed by attempting to be a "normal" person and she just fell to bits on all levels.
That's easy to say. When you take off a mask, and let others look at your real self; it's hard to maintain the composure (the next chapter of the manga that Danexedas and me are translating has a part that shows a little of that).
Since Shurelia only spoke to people when it was necessary, and never to make friends or anything personal since the beginning of the Third Era, she was shocked and was very hard for her to speak normally again (though she still manages to speak as when she had the Linkage on when Leard it's present).
<3 Shurelia.
She grows as a character quite well, even without a cosmosphere.
Although still, I wish she had more.
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