Okay! Despite a small setback in the health department, have managed to get this all together to my satisfaction, so without further ado, I present (on average; my working file isn't an exact copy of what I have here, I don't think) 8,650 words or so of experimental fiction:
A few notes on this: for one, it's written as a blog (most recent post first; I can't make Blogger reverse the order), so start with the oldest post and read backwards. ;P They're organised into categories on the right-hand side; my intent was to have people start with Mir's posts, then the logs, then Chess' posts, but it's not strictly necessary. As long as you read back from the beginning, you'll get the idea, since his posts are last anyway.
And my miniature soundtrack for the project (i.e. what I was listening to at the time as inspiration):
Voltaire - Almost Human
Just for the story in general.
Voltaire - Feathery Wings
The scene between Mir and Raud.
Jewel - I'm Sensitive
Savage Garden - Gunning Down Romance
Mir learns about warfare in the Silver Horn.
Aaaand... that's about it. And no, I'm not sure why my YouTube is auto-stuck in Japanese. :D
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
You did a really magnificient work with that fanfic. I can clearly imagine these things... (and man, they couldn't be more disturbing... I'm sure that anyone would call these the real emotionless monsters...)
Thank you very much! And, yes... this is probably the most brutal thing I've ever written. I felt like I walked closer to my personal line, regarding what I'm willing to write, than I ever have before, and it was a little unsettling...
And yes, Mir was hardly the emotionless one here. It's impressive that even after so many years of that treatment, followed by being sealed away in the Tower for all that time, she still retains that core of humanity.
And you'll be even more impressed once you delve in her Cosmosphere (though the Lvs. from 1 to 5 may disappoint you a little, but I don't want to spoil the surprise); and you get to know her better in the game (I can safely assure you that you will get endless surprises from her since the point you first see her).
And, BTW, I guess you sumed very well why Harmonious is one of my favorite songs (fell in love with it at first listen, and also it has some kind of special memories for me).
Special memories because of its use in the game, or for other reasons?
I'm desperately curious about her Cosmosphere. I'm really going to be interested to see whether my own theories match up at all, and to learn all the aspects of her story that I didn't know and wouldn't have thought of. I look forward to being surprised by her; she's already so fascinating to me as it is, and I'm happy there's even more to look forward to. :)
I fell in love with Harmonious as soon as I found out what it meant. It was actually what drew me to Mir's character... at first I thought, okay, she's not that original, but then I read the lyrics to Harmonious and I was like "...she wrote that?" Ever after, I've been impressed.
Well, personally I loved them because of how soft and beautiful the chorus at the start and the end sounds, though I didn't like much the middle part... until I did the translation.
And the special memory was that I heard it just the same day as my parents came back from a travel to Panama they had during the spring break. During their travel, my sister and me we were trapped in our house with our grandma, and we couldn't go outside (only to walk, but we couldn't go to anywhere to have fun) so when they returned, it was for me like "seeing the light after many days trapped in the darkness" (you don't how bored I was from being trapped in the house during all the week that the spring break lasted), and curiously, Harmonious played the same instant they returned here.
Finally, Harmonious was also the biggest reason for me turning into a Hymmnos Investigator and translator, and as such, it will always be one of my favorite hymns (and my favorite from AT1 forever).
That's a really nice story. :)
I personally though Harmonious was a little aggressive-sounding in the middle too, until I knew the lyrics and was able to appreciate it for what it actually meant. Now I think it's beautiful, though.
This is something so amazing... Simply incredible work, Ayulsa-san!
I'm still torn on whether it's better to read it, as you suggested, via the categories with all Mir's entries first, or whether it's better to read it chronologically. I suppose it can be striking to read all of Mir's entries at once, but it can also be striking to contrast what she says with what the corporation is misinterpreting out of it-- in the latter way, it's a real eye-opener about propaganda, political slant, and people seeing what they want to see.
Hmm, you do have a point with that. While my original intent was to have people read category by category, that might not actually be the best way; it's quite striking to have the immediate contrast, as well. I think with the category thing part of my feeling was that what we were getting was a fragmentary set of documents (very fragmentary, actually; you'd really have thought that any corporation would be keeping daily logs, but most of them aren't there...), so slowly piecing it together adds to that feeling, but I can definitely see the advantage of reading it all together, now that I've written it.
And since part of what I really wanted to illustrate was definitely the vastly different interpretations both sides were putting together of this, I think you may have a good point regards reading order, basically.
Just started reading the Cerchio logs. I support Cail all the way! The only humane one there...
This is amazing to read. It makes me want to write something about Mir, too.
Sorry for double posting, but I have a question. Is it really okay for us to write in comments, acting as people in the AT world? I'd like to write in as Fuale and Bonna (my ORs).
And good work with the story, Ayulsa! :)
Finally read it all in one shot, and I must say WOW! This story has blown me away so far. You sir, are a master writer.
It makes me feel so sorry for Mir...and makes me want to open up a can of whoop *** on those researchers except for Cail & Chess. Gives me the idea that Chess could have helped get Mir out of there, by blowing the cover off the company's lack of ethics.
I like the format the way it is-btw. Keeps everything in time perspective.
Serrivalutiern: Yep, that's absolutely fine! Please, go for it. :)
Thunder: Thanks a lot!
Sadly, Chess was too much of a coward to really do anything to help. He was burdened by his own guilt, but he didn't really do much proactive about it: his idea of atoning for that was "go on a suicide mission for Mir, fifteen years later". He... has some issues.
Also, I'm not 100% certain how reliable his version of events is...
Also, I'm doubleposting too (but, hey, I'm allowed, it's my blog. XD Not that I mind if anyone else here doubleposts, either), but I'd be really curious to read anything you wrote, ilutiern. The fandom can always use more Mir fics. :) (And fics in general. But I have an obvious bias. ;)
:P Well, it may be a long while before I write any fanfics. I've never written one before.
I have written short stories, though. They're on my deviantart account. /self advertising
I'm going to go post on Whistleblower now :D
Saw your posts, and left comments. :)
(I hope they made sense. I was extremely groggy.)
Uhm. You didn't go online today. *sadness*
Yeah, were were you!? I was giving Rar-kun & Kazuya the low down on Cross Edge as I started playing.
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