Monday, 22 September 2008

And now, the weather.

I could sum up my thoughts on the ambient temperature outside today rather quickly, but that would make for a pretty boring blog entry. So, because I'm still in a silly-doodles mood, how about we ask Mir for her thoughts?

I kind of want to draw a bunch of these and make a little barometer for the side of the blog. On the other hand, there's something a little cruel about using a Reyvateil to measure the air temperature...


thundercloud82 said...

Hmm...careful you don't make her mad. She'll sing at you!

Ayulsa said...

Awwww. She wouldn't destroy one of her creations. :) But yes, it would be kind not to torment her; I'm sure she's had quite enough of that.

I don't mind if she sings to me, or even if she sings at me if the magic is good magic. Just nothing that will melt my organs from the inside. :)