The second of two fics for you today (the first one is here), and this one is a little... well. Suffice to say I did this on a dare. XD
Nothing explicit, but it's pretty suggestive (about as suggestive as AT itself). Spoiler-cut in case there are people who'd rather not read Lyner/Ayatane hintings. It's pretty much just meant to be silly.
"Lyner~!" called Ayatane as he walked into the living room, hair swept back in a headscarf and a baking tray held proudly aloft. "Come and see what I made!"
"What did you make?" Lyner rose up off the couch, one eyebrow warily cocked. The sight of Ayatane in an apron was never something that quite sat well with him, for reasons he couldn't quite pinpoint but seemed to have to do with vague images of dyed pink poodles and those home decor shows they ran on the Platina Lifestyle Network.
"Cookies!" said Ayatane, his voice positively dripping with delight. "They're what I always make for Mother."
"For Mother... Mir?" said Lyner. "Ayatane, I don't think I've ever seen Mir eat anything. She certainly wouldn't be as thin as she is if she actually ate something with all those calories."
"Well, not for her for her," Ayatane said with a wave of his hand, balancing the cookie tray adeptly in the other. "For her as in... on her behalf."
On her... behalf? There was something in the tone of that statement that Lyner didn't like, but he didn't have time to protest as Ayatane slipped a morsel past his open lips. "Try it, it's really good," Ayatane gushed.
"Mmrgh mrmf mm mrlf." Lyner attempted to protest, but it was too late now; he wasn't very well going to spit it out, and besides, now that it was in there, he had to admit that the velvety smoothness of the chocolate against his lips was quite compelling. Half-resignedly, he swiped the cookie piece into his mouth with his tongue, chewed, and swallowed. "Hey, that is pretty good."
Ayatane plunked himself down on the couch, setting the tray on the coffee table and tugging Lyner down with him. "Have the rest." He handed the cookie to Lyner; it was warm and crumbly against his fingers, the chocolate just a little bit melty on the outside, the sweet aromas of baking mixed in with the fresh scent of Ayatane's hibiscus and peony shampoo. (At least, he assumed it was Ayatane's. It could have been Mir's, but only one of them struck him as the type to really care whether their shampoo was hibiscus-and-peony-scented, although he did have to admit that Mir was keeping a wonderful glossy head of hair these days now that she wasn't trying to nuke all of humanity.
"Oh, that," he heard Mir say dryly, as if she'd been reading his thoughts, which she had to have, as there was no other explanation, really. "Shurelia came over last night. Slumber party. We did each other's hair and talked about boys."
Lyner thought it better not to ask.)
That little aside dealt with, Lyner turned his attention back to the cookie (as eating and listening to someone talk at the same time would have been, he had to admit, a tricky task for him). The last wisps of chocolate still lingered on his lips from the previous bite, and he licked them off, his eyes falling half-closed in blissful reverie. "Ayatane, this stuff's really amazing. I don't even really like chocolate, but this... it's even better than Funbuns." And that was saying something, given the many long, dark nights he'd spent thinking about eating Funbuns, preferably with Misha.
And was there something else behind the taste of cocoa, something darker, more bitter-- more, dare he think it, manly? Something different from the rich sweetness of Funbuns, but appealing in its own way; it lingered on his senses, taunting. He just had to know for sure. There was no resisting it. He took another bite, this time with unabashed desire.
"It's coffee," said Ayatane, as if he'd been reading his thoughts, which he almost certainly had as well. "Java chips, to be precise." That or he was just gauging the expressions on Lyner's face, but right now Lyner didn't care if Ayatane was in his head. The feel of sweet, chewy dough that melted against his tongue, the heady scents of chocolate and coffee mingling in his nose and throat-- he could indulge in this forever, and the more he did so the more it really did feel like there was some other presence inside his mind, and the less he really minded. In fact, it was starting to feel distinctly pleasurable. Ayatane, inside him, sating his hunger, filling him up completely....
It was a while before Lyner came to his senses enough to notice Ayatane gazing at him intently. "How do you like it?" the virus purred sweetly. "Is it good?"
"Oh, yes," breathed Lyner.
"Do you want more?"
"Please, Ayatane. Please, let's not stop."
And so Ayatane "fed Lyner cookies", all night long. Oh, and he might have "set up a connection to his server" and "pinged him with data packets", too. Honestly, we're really not in a position to say.
But only because we won't get any more cookies if we do.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
...I meant to comment on all your fics, but I'm not sure exactly what to say about this one.
Other than that I can really picture Ayatane baking cookies with a frilly apron on...
Mwehehehe. Shounen-ai. XD
<3 Ayulsa.
My God, Ayulsa. And I'm not even religious.
A large part of me wanted to laugh, but part of me wanted to scream and run like a headless chicken from reading the ending. (You'd think I'd really really like it, from the things I read, but...)
It was great, but creepy. And LOL at Mir having hibiscus-peony shampoo. I said, I did it on a dare. Brain safety not guaranteed. :D
*passes the bottle of brain bleach*
Hm, Mir & Shurelia...a sleep over!? And Ayatane baking? I don't know whether to laugh or be creeped out a little. Ah, well. Laugh it is, hahaha!
And yay cookies. Reminds me of the plate full of 'em I ate yesterday...tries to remember if they had Mir's seal on them or not...
Well, it's canonical that Ayatane can cook and clean, so the thought of him baking isn't too weird to me. Mir having a slumber party, though? ...that is a fair bit stranger, I will admit.
That's canonical about Ayatane? My goodness. I suppose next you'll tell me he dotes on his little old white-haired grandmother.
...For some reason, now I'm just picturing a wizened little Shurelia with her hair tied back in a bun, sitting in a rocker and warbling "Ayatane! Did you bring me the paper? Where are my glasses?"
Well, she warbles, at least...
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