I'm experiencing that weird phenomenon where I'm insufferably sleepy and groggy up until several hours after I wake up, then gradually become more alert throughout the night. As a result, I'm up at a ridiculous hour taking advantage of my (relative-- I'm still sort of drowsy, but at least not unbearably brainfoggy) clear-headedness.
Not too much to say, though, except that this passage from the Ar Tonelico OVA soundtrack commentary, translated by aquagon, really moved me:
Ishibashi-san divulged a little-known episode in which it took her four days to record just one song, and she thought her heart would break in the middle of recording. Also, Mitose-san related the story of how she recorded in a booth for hours in midsummer heat of over 40 degrees Celsius, then ended up dreaming in the Hymmnos language.
...waaah. I just, I love these people. I love their passion, I love their devotion, and every time I read aquagon's translations of the Hymmnos commentaries I glimpse a little bit more of that devotion. I wish I could tell them all how much it means to me that they care this much, and how much I care as well.
Thank you, aquagon, for letting me see into these people's hearts. Thank you, everyone, all of you who care, for your caring. Uwaaaa~.
(Hee, haounomiko, you were right when you said it's easy to see why I like Mir so much. I just... want to pour out my love to the world and never stop, I guess.)
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
You're welcome, and I shall endeavor to continue translating until all the existing material for AT out there is translated.
I really admire you for that. :) It's a tremendous amount of work you're taking on here, and you're doing it all for the community. I'm really grateful, and wish I knew how to properly show the extent of that gratitude.
For one thing, translated material will surely help to keep my love for this series burning bright as time goes on. If I know there's always more to know, more to uncover about the things I love, the intensity won't let up... and that's something to really value.
Aquagon, thank you from me as well. Ayulsa's been passing on some of the information you translated to me, and I would never have known otherwise. I love the game for its worldbuilding and complexity, and because it is such a fully-imagined and vivid and real place, and without your translations I wouldn't be able to experience as much of that.
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