Another quick post (previous one is here, for those who just click on the latest post in their blogroll and don't actually view the main blog): this was totally not my idea, but born out of a whole lot of injoking about the Domino's Pizza Tracker, being impatient for AT2, and the song Legend of Ar Tonelico ~ Mule Birth, here's a handy Mir Tracker for all your artificial intelligence update needs.
...I apologise for the oh-so-blatant political dig in the bottom right, but I had to do something with that area, and it seemed darkly fitting.
In other news, was speculating yesterday on the fact that Krusche's name sounds a lot like "crushue" ("to craft, to spin" in Hymmnos), and finding this oddly fitting in that she's a Grathmelder; it suddenly makes her name seem a lot more meaningful, if you think of it like that...
Wow. Now I really want pizza...
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Mmm... fresh, warm cookies right out of the oven. It even one-ups Domino's-- it continues tracking after delivery.
It even one-ups Domino's-- it continues tracking after delivery.
...that is just priceless.
Also, why am I imagining a tiny baby Mir curled up in one of those romper suits that make your baby look like a sunflower or a frog or something, but instead shaped like a cookie?
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