...No, I did not find this by searching on what you think I searched on. (Warning: some mild AT2 spoilers behind link. If you want the file minus the spoilers, I've uploaded it here; credit goes to Palsa/Steven Hancock.)
What is it? It's the intros to Misha's and Mir's versions of Harmonious, mashed up together. It sounds really, really nice; surprisingly nice for what is basically one track laid on top of another. It's pretty musically, and it's pretty in concept, that concept being "Misha and Mir singing together, awwww". Too bad it's only the intro, and it cuts out pretty abruptly (another second or two on the playtime would have been nice); I'd have liked it to go on still further, but I suppose the full versions overlaid would have sounded awfully cacophonous. (Edit: I've tried. They do. Ah well.)
In any case, this gave me happy musical shivers, so I thought I'd share so you could all get happy musical shivers too. :)
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Somehow the file shows up just fine even though MediaFire says, "This file has been virus scanned for your protection."
Well, they just scanned it. They didn't actually do anything to harm the virus; they just legally have to know it's there, but they also aren't permitted to hurt it, under the 3770 Reyvateil Rights Act.
That tune sounds pretty cool...but it ends too abruptly.
I do agree. They could have added a second or so more on there to keep it from cutting off like that. Or better fade-out.
That sounds beautiful. I'm amazed at how neatly the two fit together.
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