I managed to hunt down the drama CD for a certain Reyvateil we all know and love (ironically enough, on the same day my actual physical copy came in the mail), so for those looking for Ar Tonelico II's Drama CD Vol. 3 - Side Jakuri, head on over to the AT soundtracks thread on FFshrine and let MegaUpload sort you out, courtesy of Aquagon, who was kind enough to add this to the huge collection of AT stuff already there once I pointed him its way. I'm sort of proud of being the first one on the forums to find this... and to think that if I'd only waited a few hours, I could have given him the version ripped straight from my own copy, too.
Now laugh at me as I attempt to figure out even the barest bones of what they're saying...
Also, because I have to show this off, here's the (un)officially certified proof of my Mir fandom, as served up by this quiz:

...what the image doesn't tell you is that getting this perfect score took me a considerable amount of trial and error (probably about forty tries), but hey, I'm sure Mir of all people would have respect for my brute-force hackery. Translated by Lazy, here's the little dialogue I got from this...
Shurelia: Finally you reached this place... Ayulsa-san, nice to meet you.
Mir: Wait, don't be saying everything yourself!!
Tastelia: Isn't that nice? Ayulsa-san, now you'll be known by everyone for getting absolute 100 points!
Mir: ...
Mir: Just this time, I'll express my gratitude.
...Th, thank you.
Ayulsa-san's Lucky Item
And last, but most certainly not least, Mir hopes you're all registered to vote...
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