So when I told a friend of mine about the Ar Tonelico II towels you can get, she said "are the girls wearing towels on the towels, and are the towels they are wearing the same as the towels they're on?" I said yes to the former, but no to the latter; they're just wearing plain towels. She said they should be wearing the towels they're on. I thought this would be amusing, so I cooked up this little recursive number. Feel your eyes, and mind, expand as you contemplate infinity...
(I sort of wanted to make a Mir recursive towel, especially because recursion and Mir seem to go well together, but she isn't actually in a towel on her towel. Also, she looks extremely peeved on it. I think the creation of that towel may have actually singlehandledly put humanity at risk from a Third Reyvateil War.)
And yes, that is a censor mosaic on her install port symbol. I support Reyvateil rights, and the gratuitous use of such a private and personal symbol in Ar Tonelico art is something I feel like doing my bit to counter; it must be so embarrassing for them just having that plastered everywhere. So there you go. :)
On other topics, I was discussing how Reyvateils get all their MP back so quickly once they've exhausted it, and I speculated that it's because they have a Tower connection. My friend said that they don't develop the fullest connection to Ar Tonelico until the 9th level of their Cosmospheres, so wouldn't their MP recover faster after that? And I thought about it, and I realised something-- isn't the Third Generations die so young that they can't handle all the power from the Tower coming to them? From that, you'd actually think that going all the way through their Cosmospheres would make them weaker, as they're suddenly flooded with even more of the Tower's energy.
So why doesn't completing Third Generations' Cosmospheres do them harm?
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
They don't get weaker because after clearing their Cosmospheres, they learn how to control their emotions better, and also, how to control better the power of the Tower they gain. And with controlling it, I say they can just send back to the tower the power they don't need, thus allowing them to live a little longer. (Also, how much power do you think they are expelling when they are casting an ultimate song?)
Thus, for a Third Gen Reyvateil is the same lifespan regardless of how far in her Cosmosphere she is.
Ah, so it's like a tradeoff between increased power and increased control. That makes sense.
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