Hmm, so, some thoughts....
I've been speculating on the mortality, or lack thereof, of Mir's body when she's separated from it and sealed away in the Tower. A friend of mine was suggesting that she didn't actually leave a body behind as such, but rather went incorporeal, taking physical form again when she re-emerged; and that her drained appearance could be due to having to divert all her energy towards fighting and creating viruses and not having much left to devote to her own body, not her body having been in storage.
So, is it possible that she didn't actually have a body remaining in the physical world when she went into the Tower? And if she did leave a body behind, and having a physical body of some sort out there was necessary for her to stay alive, why did no one try to destroy her body to get rid of her, given that the alternative was locking generations of young Reyvateil girls up in the Crescent Chronicle to sing until they expired? If someone had destroyed her body, what would have happened?
And, tangentially: if it's possible to Grathmeld a Reyvateil's body from scratch, is it possible that someone as intelligent and ancient as Mir would either know how to do upkeep on her own body to keep it from dying, or simply create new bodies for her mind to inhabit when the old ones expired, keeping herself alive by jumping between physical shells?
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
As far as we know, she did leave her physical body inside the Crescent Chronicle, and they didn't want to destroy her because opening the Chronicle would null out the effects of the Chronicle Key hymn.
Plus, what about Mir's tremendous power? She could have massacrated them if she was released, even for only a second.
Ah, so it was that they couldn't risk getting close enough to her to kill her, basically, because if Chronicle Key stopped she'd be able to escape and wipe them out...
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