So I'm playing through Misha's path right now for the first time, and I've noted that she says that she really was singing constantly: from sunrise to sunset, and to sunrise again. It really sounds like she didn't sleep, and I seem to recall that one of the talk topics around this time confirms that she was only able to sleep normally recently.
So it's pretty much assured that she didn't eat, drink or sleep as a regular person would need to. Therefore, I'm imagining she must have had to be on some sort of life support; constantly hooked up to a machine that would give her nutrients, shut down parts of her brain on a preset schedule so that she could get something resembling rest while still singing, and so forth. Or perhaps the lack of rest is why Star Singers die so young; but presumably she would need at least some infusion of chemicals and energy to keep her awake, and this assumes that Reyvateils don't quickly go mad from lack of sleep, as humans would.
Does anyone have any ideas on how the heck Misha, or any of the Star Singers, stayed alive all that time?
Also, I've noted that she talks about "a silver fence with treasure behind it" in one of her talk topics, but we couldn't see a fence like this in the Chronicle. What specifically is going on with this? (Yes, bear with me, this is the first time I've played Misha's path. Not actually having the game with me impedes my ability to replay somewhat.)
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
I don't know exactly how, but it has been told that all the Star Singers die at the age 30 because of the nature of their work.
And the "fence" is actually the silver doors that are at end of the Chronicle (the ones that are very hard to destroy, and have some rare recipes behind).
Oh, I was thinking that Mir was sealed behind a silver fence, and Tastiella yelled at Misha not to go back there because she'd encounter Mir. Presumably it would make her feel awful to realise that Mir was a Reyvateil-- or, alternately, bring up the possible danger that a young, angry, frustrated Misha would destroy Mir's body so she didn't have to keep singing.
It's kind of a disappointment to find out it was just about hidden recipes. =D
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