Saturday, 11 October 2008

alternatively, "the heart speaks"

Small bit of news from the tech development front: a system called "Kokoro Gatari", meaning "Mind Talk", has been developed that allows paralysed users to communicate by, among other things, singing a song in their minds. The combination of technology, communication and mental singing would be amusing enough to AT fans alone... but "Kokoro Gatari" is also the name of a song in Ar Tonelico 2.

Coincidence? ;)

(Incidentally, for those who know, since that's a Noriko Mitose song, is it by the character I want to think it's by? No further spoilers in the comments, please, but I'd love to know. From the translation, it sounds fairly fitting for her character.)


aquagon said...

Yes, it's sung by who you think, but I'm not going to reveal anything more, and let you speculate until you see where and when it's sung (and I think you will love that moment more than any of the others the game has to offer).

Ayulsa said...

Excellent. Waa~, so excited for this game!

Ayulsa said...

(Also, so many Mitose songs on the soundtrack. This makes me happy, since I'm sure there's going to be character development or at least key plot scenes surrounding all of these. And also, more music for me to emotionally connect to...)

Anonymous said...

Agreed, there's Sphilia, Despedia, Harmonious Fusion, Kokorokatari (or Gatari) and Sen (not played in game though...)
The game does have major focus on Jakuri, and believe me, you'll simply love how everything turns out.

Ayulsa said...

Anything that can make me love AT more than I already do is going to have to be impressive. From everything I'm hearing, it sounds like this game is going to achieve just that. I'm seriously trembling in anticipation.

*checks the countdown on Thunder's blog* Still 58 days? Augh! Longest 58 days of my life...