Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Shurelia in SL!

So over in SL-land, our latest project just came to fruition... the creation of Shurelia! We managed to get a designer to produce some custom hair for us, which is now on sale at Discord Designs in-world (just search for it), titled, yep, Shurelia. I really hope some random AT fan stumbles across it at some point and does a double-take....

Mir eyed it with some suspicion before we tried it out on an actual Shurelia-ish model. (We need to get a better skin for her... the problem with SL skins is that they're generally far too huge in the lips.)

As you may have noticed, we're on a floating piece of land in the sky-- somewhat appropriate, and we just found it randomly.... Less fortunate was when Mir accidentally stepped backwards and plummeted into the Sea of Death. (This was made even more amusing/horrifying by the fact that Shurelia teleported her back up to the sky island again, only to misaim the coordinates and send Mir falling for a second time....)

Schoolgirl Shurelia is cute.

Shurelia the Mir fan!

Over time, they finally came to understand each other... with the help of a little bit of Dive Therapy. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

[Edit: The image that replaced "Mir falling into the Sea of Death" previously has now been swapped out for the right one. Consider it a moment of "Bleep"-style censorship. This image was too awful to show viewers, etc.]


Anonymous said...

As a side note, Discord Designs can also be found via their new releases blog. Because I simply requested that she make hair like that, and was fine with the idea of her reselling it to other people, she only requested that I buy an all-colours pack and didn't charge beyond that. Just a heads-up for anyone who thinks having unusual videogame character hairstyles made in Second Life would be the coolest thing since sliced bread. (I picked her out because she does fantastic work with braids, FYI.)

Ayulsa said...

Yay! I didn't want to load up SL and lag/overheat my computer to go look up the link in-world, and I didn't know where else to get it, so thank you for that. :)

Ayulsa said...

(I just love how SL invites descriptions like "Retailing hair, beards and eyes from our little patch of Second Life" with nary an eyeblink, by the by. Mm, eyes.)

winters said...

When I saw the description of the second link, I was wondering if we were going to see the Mir/Shurelia fusion...

... Ah, you sure you didn't accidentally plot your *own* demise there?

#5 has the fangirl in me expecting a kiss... ^_~

Anonymous said...

All I did was google "Discord Designs". That's how to get it, lol.

@winters: Oh dear, clonecest...

winters said...

I'd never really thought of it that way. `.`

(Though, to be quite honest, it wouldn't dissuade me in any way...)

winters said...

Well, here's my attempt at an Arisa picture... courtesy of the Gaia Dream Avatar Creator.


... I couldn't figure out a good way to do the "dye job needs touching up" effect. And you know, the selection of items feels a lot more limiting when I'm going for something approximating ordinary street clothes instead of cosplay or fanservice...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

'Scuse the deletion above... one too many typos.

Glad I could be of service. And glad you seem happy with the hair ;)

Regarding request work... if I think it'll sell I make it but I reserve the rights to decline or take months to get around to anything... Just so happened I was looking for a long open style to make when you asked! Definitely a happy coincidence...

Either way; Shurelia seems popular so... thanks! :D

All the best,

(The short one behind Discord Designs)

Ayulsa said...

Hey, wow, thanks for stopping by our little corner of the internet! When two worlds collide....

Also, winters, Arisa is just adorable. ^__^ For some reason I was picturing her with while hair... I think I got the image of a grown-up Lyra in my head. But she's really sweet. :)

That's an oddly realistic Terutail, too.

Anonymous said...

... Oh! Blue is her natural hair colour, black is the dye, right... I somehow thought it was the other way around, so I was wondering, "What's so unusual about black that it has to be hidden?" ^^; See, if you dye the roots, then they'll eventually grow out far enough to make your whole head have the desired colour, provided that the dye isn't warn off by washing and environmental conditions before then...

But now that I think about it, aside from Mir, no one in Ar Ciel actually has black black hair.

Ayulsa said...

See, if you dye the roots, then they'll eventually grow out far enough to make your whole head have the desired colour, provided that the dye isn't warn off by washing and environmental conditions before then...

Hehe. Except the hair that continues to come out from the roots will still be the natural colour. So you'd just end up with a stripe that gradually migrated. (Maybe Jakuri did this?)

But now that I think about it, aside from Mir, no one in Ar Ciel actually has black black hair.

Hmm... IPDs, perhaps? Or else I'd speculate that it was her black hair, not her red eyes, that made it instantly recognisable when Lyuma drew pictures of her.

Anonymous said...

Kawaii Arisa!

This post brought to you by the department of not having anything more to add.

winters said...

"White" would be a bit much, but it is supposed to be a paler blue than that... I just ran out of patience for messing with it, I guess. Well, I've still got the .xcf file with the original images, so editing it wouldn't be too hard, if I decide I care enough.

The tail is actually Hill Troll Tail. Except that's got an odd looking clump of something on the end. But when I used the eraser to get rid of that, it looked almost perfect to me too.

But now that I think about it, aside from Mir, no one in Ar Ciel actually has black black hair.

I guess that depends on just how black you're talking about. I'm pretty startled if no one has black hair that's at least as black as my parents and I have. `.`

I wish I could come up with a better way of making the color difference look... messy, I guess. She's not going for a striking visual effect, she's just lazy about touching up anything that's going to be hidden by her hat anyway.

Also, *blush* at the compliments. ^_^ I was trying to get something that was a mix of feminine-almost-girly and practical-without-thought-of-appearance. So there's the cute skirt and top with a heart on it, but also the work boots and the jacket with a lot of pockets.

I still feel so limited with the options in the Gaia system now. I'd like to come up with something in a more versatile system, but I can't find anything right for the horns in City of Heroes, and the hair is hard to do in everything...

Ayulsa said...

I could probably do the hair easily in Photoshop if you had base black hair. Doesn't seem hard to me at all. :) Let me know if you want a hand.

Anonymous said...

So you'd just end up with a stripe that gradually migrated. (Maybe Jakuri did this?)

You mean, with the red design? I wondered what that was, too... It follows the general design pattern of a political insignia in Ar Ciel. A symbol for a country yet to be made? A symbol from the ancient Metafalss she admired?

I guess that depends on just how black you're talking about. I'm pretty startled if no one has black hair that's at least as black as my parents and I have. `.`

Now that I think about it, I guess Alfman's hair was also black-like, but it was more of a very dark brown than black... Most other people with dark hair, such as Croix, Cocona, and Batz appeared to have dark purple hair, but once again not black. Misha's hair... Hmm. Okay, that looks black enough to me.

That makes me wonder whether completely black hair has been phased out of the gene pool, and is now only available to people with idealised, alterered genetic code like Beta Reyvateils.

She's not going for a striking visual effect, she's just lazy about touching up anything that's going to be hidden by her hat anyway.

I keep seeing the "l" in lazy as uppercase... Anyway, it is a surprisingly striking visual effect. Multi-tone hair. I think leaving it messy would ironically make it appear even less artificial, thereby enhancing the natural appeal of that look even further.

Anonymous said...

Black hair can be a funny thing in anime-style artwork. Sometimes you get tints of other colors just for appearance in the drawing, even though "in-story", it's supposed to be plain black. I don't really think that's the case with Croix and Cocona though... Don't really remember what Batz and Alfman's hair looked like, don't feel like hunting up their images tonight. Or looking for crowd scene images to see if anything else interesting is there.

I think you might be onto something... Seems like the most striking examples I've seen of mixed-color hair in RL were in ways that had a more natural look. Though one of them looked more natural for a cat than a human.

Even so, it still wasn't really what Arisa was going for with her particular hairstyling. `.`