So, just kicking off here with a couple of the omake bits I've created for the Reyvablog so far....
Lyuma as an IPD. I'll create page 2 of this at some point....
Randomly, isn't every city in the AT world an airport city? Firefly Alley, Nemo, Rakshek....
And a little bit of background for this next omake... I believe, at some point in the story, dhezeall mentions an experience where she went diving with her friends and couldn't handle the subsequent embarrassment she felt when they told her about what had happened in her Cosmosphere. As a result, she became uncomfortable with the idea of diving. Basically, the first level of her Cosmosphere dealt with her fears about being perceived as feminine and stereotypically Reyvateil-esque, as well as the secret crush she had on one of her friends. So, in her Cosmosphere, she approached said friend, acting shy and coquettish... and wearing a big floofy dress. Her friends didn't stop laughing for quite some time, and of course, she was mortified....
I do, however, have her permission (yes, I really do) to show you a couple of pictures of what that might have looked like....
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Aww, Lyuma's IPD profile! What a lovely hairstyle. I was surprised to see that she joined Cloche's fanclub since she'd probably never heard of Cloche until recently, but her reason for joining made perfect sense.
dhezeall's dress is so floofy, it ate her hands. o.O
I'm surprised she had a problem with being seen as Reyvateil-esque... She identified so strongly with it, and went to such great lengths to affirm it. Wouldn't her problem with stereotypes revolve more around femininity than Reyvateil-ness? Having described Reyvateils as a distinct third gender (at least, I think that might have been her...), I would have expected her to not put enough stock in Reyvateil stereotypes bother her. Maybe I'm being too idealistic about this, and personally rejecting something doesn't typically make it stop being relevant...
Second Life does that. Hand-eating happens.
And... it makes a little more sense when you consider part of the reason she's so unfeminine. You probably remember her saying she gets upset when people say she's not very Reyvateil-like; but at the same time, she cultivated that image on purpose. Because she was hurt so much when she was young, part of her tried to be less like a Reyvateil so that she wouldn't be a "bad person", even though she also wanted it. Though her unfemininity was probably partly inborn-- there's a reason she ended up reacting in that particular way, after all-- it was also a reaction to what happened to her. She's happy with it, and it's what she likes being and is comfortable being, but it was also shaped by her upbringing.
She's always been torn between her subconscious desire to "cover up" her Reyvateil nature, and her strong desire to express it. Fortunately, these two things could coexist pretty well in her being a brash, loud, outspoken, flirty person, so that's what she became. The fact that she could find a solution to all her needs that worked pretty well is... why she wasn't as psychologically damaged as she could have been by her upbringing, I think.
Poor dheazeall! We'd always wondered why one of the rules of diving is that what happens in a person's Cosmosphere is not to be discussed outside of it, even with that person. Perhaps this is why "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."!
Yes... I think it's that people aren't always ready to be confronted baldly with the things that their subconscious mind thinks up. If you think about dreams, even... it's one thing to dream that, say, one of your favourite fictional characters accidentally walks in on you while you're using the bathroom and you get horribly embarrassed (I've had this dream), but it's another thing to have a friend or loved one see that happening and then describe it back to you. And it's presumably a lot worse when the scenes aren't just random gunk from the day/week/month's happenings but actually represent pretty major subconscious fears and anxieties.
"I do, however, have her permission (yes, I really do) to show you a couple of pictures of what that might have looked like...."
Those really are pretty cute...
I'm kind of reminded of something Utena (another female character who tends to avoid feminine clothing) said about wearing dresses in a particular UF story... except I can't find the story, and I'm not sure I'm remembering the line right. I'm saying this here in the hopes that at some point, I'll actually *find* the part I'm talking about. `.`
(On an even more removed tangent, I always found it bitterly ironic that Utena was one of the only people the Ohtori Academy girl's uniform actually looked good on...)
I actually think dhezeall looks stunning in that dress. It goes so well with her hair and her figure and everything. It's a shame she wouldn't like to be seen that way, because she's all pretty.
Not only do a lot of SL dresses eat people's hands, but most of the skirts that look good when you're standing up obey gravity and have no collision detection, so they fall through your body and chairs when you sit down. I wish they would fix that at least...
It's a shame she wouldn't like to be seen that way, because she's all pretty.
*nods.* I think especially after the event in her Cosmosphere, she'd feel practically phobic of doing such a thing. I'm trying to imagine her reaction, and it'd be like getting someone who has awful stage fright to give a presentation, or someone afraid of heights to walk near a ledge with a high drop... she could do it, potentially, but she'd really be wincing and uncomfortable and she wouldn't be having a good time. In a way, she could never actually look good in it because she'd be acting so unlike herself, all self-conscious and afraid, that she just wouldn't radiate her own natural charm. She'd look ill at ease, and I don't think she could ever look beautiful like that.
But if she didn't have that perspective on it, I agree that her body does. I'm guessing she'd need someone to dive and both fix the issues that were created in her Cosmosphere when the first dive went wrong, and clear the original level....
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