At long last, I have acquired that one thing in SL without which my Mir avatar was not complete.... the Mirball, perhaps better known to most people as the shield she surrounds herself in at the end of AT1. Thanks so much to Eolande Elvehjem, who made this for me absolutely free of charge! (Warning: some small degree of obscured nudity.) 1 / 2
You have to see it in person to appreciate it fully; it animates, causing the texture to swirl prettily over the surface, and it works perfectly in flight, wherein Mir can hover and float around just as she does in AT.
We're Ar Tonelifying Second Life... one step at a time. =D
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
1 comment:
Eolande is so nice. I should go buy more of her stuff as a tip for doing this for you. (Oo, shopping excuse.)
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