Sunday, 8 March 2009

dhezeall's genderform!

dhezeall: So, at long last, I finally decided to go through this monster of a thing. May as well post it as an omake. Try one too, if you want.

Also, forgive the vast amounts of whitespace. Lemme know if you have a clue how to fix on Blogger. :\ Huh, apparently removing all the whitespace from inside the table, even the parts that came way after where the whitespace was displaying, worked. Weird.

My name is
My identity is
ALWAYS!, activist, admirer, alien, ambiguous, androgynous, bent, big sister, boy with a vagina, boy with boobs, caring, casually-dressed, chapstick lesbian*, chaser, confidant, counselor, creature, drag king, dude, female, female guy, female-bodied, femme-loving, flirt, friend, friend with benefits, friendly, full of love, gender confused, gender euphoric, gender expressive, happy, homo-romantic, homoemotional, homosexual, huggy, illusionist, impersonator, liberal, lover, mage, male lesbian*, manly-hearted woman, midgender, non-humansexual, non-trans, nonhuman-sexual, obsessed, outgoing, outspoken, oversexed, passionate, pervert, playful, polyamorous, polysnuggler, pro-sex feminist, promiscuous, Reyvateil in pants, Reyvateil-chaser, Reyvateilsexual, samespeciessexual, secretly male, sex positive, sexual, shaman, shapeshifter, singer, snuggly, soft butch, Teru-curious, third gender, top, transhuman, versatile, witty, wolf, working class
What's yours?

*Where "lesbian" isn't really accurate for reasons I've mentioned before, but it was the closest thing I could think of to convey the idea.


winters said...

Looks like there's a bunch of "br" elements before the table starts. Will it let you remove those in the html-edit?

(You know, using blogger is really making me love LiveJournal...)

Arisa: ... #`.`#

Here's an interesting question then. Would dhezeall be attracted to male Reyvateils?

(Might seem like kind of an impractical question, but I *am* the sort of person who comes up with answers to questions like who I'd be interested in if *I* was a futanari, so...)

Anonymous said...

...Huh. Trying, but in HTML-edit I just can't seem to get rid of any more whitespace. I have all the arbitrary padding (like, new lines in the code that might be translating into displayed new lines in Blogger, and any "br" elements) between rows deleted, and it's still doing that. Weird.

And... not an impractical question. I think I've sort of conditioned myself through being pretty much Reyvateil-exclusive to find the female form more appealing; if you're going off what I said about tails before, well, there's a difference between liking that kind of contact and being attracted to the male body. But I don't think I'd rule it out entirely; the things I like most about Reyvateils are more than skin deep. I guess there are two different questions going on here: "would you have been attracted to male Reyvateils in a world where they'd always existed?", and "given that you've previously lived your whole life in one where they hadn't existed, would you be interested if I dropped one in front of you?" The first question is a more likely "yes" than the second, I think.

winters said...

Well, like I... just implied, I guess, I call it impractical if it requires doing something that's impossible to do or having access to something that doesn't exist... That may not be a good word for it. "Philosophically interesting, but unlikely to be put to any practical use." `.`

Neither of those questions would probably be the way I'd put it, but I think you've pretty much covered what I was wondering about anyway. `.`