So, looks like the translators are done with the first batch of scripts! Now it's the editing team's turn to take these apart, pretty them up, and generally get on with the task of making everything sound fluid and natural. Having unofficially grabbed the editing coordinator role for myself, I'm going to be starting in on these first, and passing them along as I complete them. Hope you're all okay with that. <|
In other awesome news, please, feast your eyes on this absolutely magnificent Reyvablog request pic by Linearis. It's a beautiful sketch (I was particularly fond of heartofharmony's rendering, as I've had so much trouble with getting pictures of her to look right-- this captures her personality and her fashion sense so well-- but they're all cute!), and it just gets even more impressive when you discover that the artist did this in four minutes. FOUR. MINUTES. Timed to a song, apparently.
Wonderful, wonderful stuff. Soon as I get the URL for the translation project stuff (as I'm woefully bad at remembering where things are), I'll get cracking on that.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
YAAAAAY, scriptses!
And yay art. <3
You know, I always envisioned heartofharmony's hair as being more, not less, tightly curly than it is in SL. I always thought it was supercurly, the kind of hair you can just about run a comb through with difficulty. Of course, she's your character, though. =D
I think it's more like... that's hard to draw in anime style (like, I've never seen it), and as anime interpretations go that works? It's mostly her outfit and pose and facial expression that made me go "whoa, that is really her!"
What happened to the forums? o.O;;;;
I'm not sure? Terms of service violation... I hope they can be restored. Ouch....
It'll be question of waiting for weezy's response, since he's still waiting for a say in what freeforums deemed as TOS violation. I hope it's nothing serious.
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