More omake!
Lyuma's IPD card, pages 2 and 3.
And inspired by the Reyvateil fusions thread on A Reyvateil's Melody... dhiyante/brizeall, and Lyr/Miuma. dhiyante is uberhot and conflicted about whether she wants to wear these clothes... Lyr is just an adorable gothic lolita. XD
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Awwww! I've never seen any other IPDs ask you to run from enemies...
"Virus added", heheh.
It's actually a bit disappointing there aren't more unusual fan club joining requirements...
(And the "defeat x Reyvateils" bit seems kind of squicky to me. Also, along with the "defeat x Humans" doesn't entirely make sense after later plot events...)
Of course, in some ways they've got to be pretty careful what they use for requirements, if they don't want to have Lost Forever on their hands... (I'm actually annoyed about how some talk topics are like this, when I can't figure out how to get them even knowing the requirement...)
The dhiyante picture doesn't really do anything for me, but then I've got a known aversion to red clothing with dark skin. `.`
The first Lyr picture... that's quite a hat. o.O
No other IPDs did, no. :) I thought that would suit her.
Hmmm, anything you'd prefer to see dhiyante in? We have a wide range of clothing.
I don't really know. `.`
(You know, it's something I kind of wonder about, since it seems a lot of black people IRL like to wear red... but it just looks really bad to me. I think the only exception I've run into is Anthy in the Revolutionary Girl Utena tv series... and even then, I think she'd look better in movie Anthy's dress.)
I just noticed after posting that last reply that Pet's fan club joining reason is because of Cloche's "Reyvateil wipeout". That girl's got issues? o.@;;;;;
Maybe she meant "wipeout" in the sense of losing traction or physically spinning out of control really dangerously? ^^; I guess I could imagine it being vaguely amusing to see someone who must have perfect presentation at all times, make catastrophically clumsy movements....
"Virus added", heheh.
I thought that was the best part about it, too. ^_^
"I joined the Shurelia fan club because..."
But... hmm. Is there anything particularly Reyvateil-related about Cloche falling down clumsily? What makes it worth noting as a Reyvateil wipeout? I too thought Pet had some serious issues. O_o (Perhaps she's in that cult dhezeall used to be in...)
Oh, wow. She may well be. O_o Especially with the name "Pet"... maybe she took that name in the cult, thinking she's inferior because she's a Reyvateil.
(You know, that actually makes a worrying amount of sense.)
Between it saying "Reyvateil wipeout", and her condition being to defeat Reyvateils... o.O
Well, I look at the line about "Lady Cloche's Pom massacre", and decide it could be worse...
(Though now that I look, I think Pet is the only one with that condition. Oddly, the one with a condition for defeating human-type enemies "joined the fan club in adoration of Lady Cloche's beauty".)
Lino's might actually be more disturbing though... o.O
I still giggle whenever I see Reine's "situation". ... But Zora's is still the best. ^_~
Especially with the name "Pet"... maybe she took that name in the cult, thinking she's inferior because she's a Reyvateil.
That's... A plausible theory... But why does it have to seem like such an obvious implications? There are lots of reasons why someone might be named or nicknamed Pet. Typo during birth registration, affectionate nickname given by a friend who protects and spoils her like a pet, maybe she likes petting or being pet... You know?
Oddly, the one with a condition for defeating human-type enemies "joined the fan club in adoration of Lady Cloche's beauty".
The romantic beauty of slaying an oppressor in glorious battle? The reality of it may be unsettling, but I can see it being a not-altogether-uncommon fantasy.
I guess the question is, would the Sacred Army actually have done anything to offend her at that point? `.`
(If it were the Grand Bell, I could probably buy that. But there aren't many places you fight Grand Bell soldiers...)
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