...and, much to my displeasure and my general ethical qualms with deleting viruses, I had to try and get rid of it. Cue me downloading a whole slew of antivirus programs in an attempt to get anywhere near it; I knew it was there because Spybot Search & Destroy kept telling me that something with a weird name was trying to change the registry and wouldn't let me refuse the changes, and I kept getting popups for sites that tried to download more viruses onto my system (while surfing sites I knew wouldn't serve me popups), but I didn't know what it was. Eventually, I got Prevx CSI, which offered to scan my system in two minutes. It took about five, but it did find all the malware, and got rid of it (for a fee, which included a year's subscription). It told me to restart so it could finish cleaning up the files. So I did.
When I got back to the desktop, all seemed well, except that my wallpaper had disappeared.
My... Mir wallpaper.
I guess it really did clean all the viruses off my system. (I managed to restore the wallpaper, by the by.)
So something I've realised about Hymmnos: one thing that's really unusual about it is how it's quite programming language-like in structure, yet it's also heavily focused on emotion. Normally the cyborg/artificially-created computer-based race is portrayed as less emotional than humans, or sometimes equally as emotional, but with Reyvateils being the only people left who can sing these highly emotionally-focused songs, with Mir having been a deeply emotional person and also the most powerful Beta in existence, we can hypothesise that Reyvateils are, at least ideally (in that their emotion seems to be linked to their power), more emotional than humans. That's a really interesting combination, the idea of an AI race being hyperemotional, and one that I've not seen done often.
Also, was pondering quite randomly, in the wake of the Prop 8 debacle, whether there might ever have been any social discrimination in Sol Ciel regarding human/Reyvateil relationships. They seem accepted now, but I can imagine a time when it was considered beneath humans to have relationships with Reyvateils; and even now the dynamic that the relationships do have seems very unequal, and I wonder if the relationships between males and human females are like that as well or if it's only Reyvateils who are treated that way. Food for thought (and fic)....
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
I wouldn't expect there to be as much discrimination against the relationships happening in the first place as there would be inequality in the relationships: Reyvateils being treated like housemaids or blow-up dolls, rather than as equal relationship partners. I can imagine, though, a scenario where someone wanting to marry their Reyvateil was laughed at because she wasn't seen as fit to marry.
It erased your Mir wallpaper? That is kinda funny actually. Glad you got it back, though.
Marrying reyvateils being a bad thing in the beginning? Probably was looked at like that, but change has to start somewhere. Major props to the couple who started it all.
I can imagine, though, a scenario where someone wanting to marry their Reyvateil was laughed at because she wasn't seen as fit to marry.
*nods* I was imagining that sort of thing, yes. And some people thinking any kind of relationship with them was wrong because they weren't equals, weren't "real people", and people should date real people; people squicked by the inequality in the same way as someone might think having a relationship with your slave was wrong even though they supported slavery, or something. I don't know, does that sound feasible?
And yes, definitely, props to those who overcame that social stigma.
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