I just learnt that President-Elect Obama's inauguration day is going to be January 20th. And all we Ar Tonelico fans know what that date means, I hope...? :)
It's going to be a wonderful day for new hopes, new awakenings. A wonderful day for new worlds.
(Also, I suddenly had the thought that it would be so amusing if January 20th fell on a Tuesday next year, because then we could call it AT2's Day. And I looked up, and it so totally is. Not since Sonic 2's Day have there been such release-date lulz. Well, release-date lulz are usually fairly hard to find, but still.)
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
AT2's Day! What a portentous pun. ^_^
I've always thought it was neat that AT2's release date coincides with the presidential inauguration. As the president-elect's message was hope and change, so too is AT2's story set in an era of revolution and renewed faith in one's leaders.
AT2 is the bigger news of the day in my mind, obviously. But my copy probably won't arrive in the mail that day. Gah! I hope Obama's statements between the 20th and the day AT2 actually arrives only strengthens the bond between the two words.
I hope Obama's statements between the 20th and the day AT2 actually arrives only strengthens the bond between the two words.
That would be a wonderful occurrence, indeed. For us to feel this world is moving further towards an ideal even as we move towards a time in which we will hopefully help bring another closer to its ideal.
Hope and change seem the fundamentals of Ar Tonelico, really. The power of chs, transformation, and the power of (perhaps specifically Mir's) hope seem to be strong themes within it so far.
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