I'm pretty proud of my idea of the first one in that it works as well to describe Obama's inauguration as it does to describe interacting with fictional worlds: social change is our responsibility, in both situations. And I'm really pleased with what I managed to do with a certain couple of imposing and important structures in the second... wow. And I'd never have made that parallel, either. They do kind of look alike, don't they?
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Yes! Jakuri will be receiving my vote any time she chooses to run for government. It's high time we had a governor who understands first-hand the value of harmony.
It is not enough to merely tolerate. It is not enough to simply speak on behalf of the unheard. It is not enough to keep the hopeful and unfortunate in our hearts only when special events remind us of them.
Our support and appreciation for each other as equals must be unyielding, unrelenting, and unending. Jakuri, who has devoted her whole life to harmonising with a world that despises her, understands that better than anyone.
Jakuri for VP!!
(She looks like an outstanding negotiator, too, expressing such sincerity and calm.)
This = awesome.
I love the idea of her ability to harmonise being illustrated to be an essential quality in a politician, because the ideal candidate for office is someone who is constantly aware of the flux and flow of the world and thus constantly in motion to change it.
Unyielding, unrelenting, and unending, indeed. We need better than awareness some of the time; we need constant, interconnected awareness of each other.
A rousing speech on Jakuri's behalf. I'm sure she'll overcome her past scandals and hold her head high in the campaign to come, with her new, more deliberated response to the problems the world faces.
If Jakuri was in an election, I'd pay attention. I think she'd make really strong speeches, but keep her cool at the same time.
And I agree that I think she'd be one to understand harmony.
Haha, I'm not that good at analyzing stuff...I can say that I love the pictures :3
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