I suppose that's like the catgirl from Darkstalkers, but aware of her identity as a fictional character? Also, I'm deeply amused that it's been pre-emptively classified as a "Music & Party" game. The idea of games being categorised by the themes of their plot rather than the style of their gameplay is actually really appealing; I mean, Ar Tonelico is about music, very deeply, and so the category is not inaccurate, but I don't really think that's what they meant. I do wonder how that error got made; did someone ask what AT was and one of their collegues said "oh, it's about music and stuff"? Very amused indeed.
Seeing the page up on a major game retailer's site is actually rather nice. It's like... this is real. This is really real, and come January, you'll be able to go into any GameStop and pick it up off the shelves and hold it, and other people who may have never heard of AT will be able to see it, and they might buy it, and things. It's just really squeeful, somehow.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
It's also on Amazon, with some english screens!
Yay, English screens that are large enough to see clearly!
I don't get why Metafalica seems to be so hard to spell. Maybe it's less ambiguous-looking in katakana.
It's pretty creative to think of AT as being music before RPG. ^_^ And RPGs have parties, so I guess that makes sense too. If I were to try describing Ar tonelico, I'd say that it's about some combination of a people who express themselves through song, a Tower that supports the world and transforms the song into magic, weird jokes, wonderful characters, item creation, and a series of ahs and uhs, in no particular order.
It's so delightfully complicated. <3 Though I'm sure a more succinct and/or coherent description is better.
I usually use the kanji 創造詩 (souzouuta - Song of World Creation) when mentioning the game's title though.
But on GameStop page, KOEI as developer and publisher? This is kinda weird >.<
That is funny (the game category, that is). I didn't even notice it the first time I saw the page because I was too busy staring at "MetaFalicia" and the random capitalizations. >.>
Though it would be kind of cool to have a rhythm/pitch game where players compete against one another using song magic. xD
The challenge could be to compose a Hymn live according to a rhythm that both players are given! The songs could be scored based on their emotive quality and the consistency/significance of their message.
I honestly don't know how a primitive game console of the present day would be able to process that information, though.
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