haounomiko just posted this touching statement for the benefit of all of those who have lost rights now that California's Proposition 8 will, presumably, be passed.
Even if you're not gay, lesbian or bisexual yourself, even if you never plan to get married, please pass this message of support and comfort around for the benefit of those whose pain at being marginalised might be eased, just a little, by knowing that someone out there cares.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Thank you for helping share it with others. I'm glad you found it touching.
It was a sentiment that was designed to be shared. And what is a Reyvateil if not someone who raises their voice in times when hatred needs to be overcome?
"And where there's a man who has no voice, there I shall go singing...."
That damn thing passed!? Like so many others, I too have lost faith in humanity now...
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