First up, letting you guys know that the Angry Reyvateil is back up and posting for the New Year! Do share your holiday stories in the current threads if you can; I'd like to base my characters' awareness of what things are like in Tenba and the Church over the holidays on your characters' reflections.
So despite the lack of AT2 this December, we still managed to have a pretty Ar Tonelico-esque Christmas over here. For your enjoyment, I present pictures of the highlights. :)
This snow-Teru might interest IC-winters. With a few twists of the foil, even an ordinary chocolate snowman can become an AT cameo! Comes with hat, too.
At Borders, we found this packet of strangely Pom-like Japanese treats.
The packaging bears pictures of all of the possible designs, including this musical Pom... Reyvapom!
Unfortunately, there aren't actually any candies decorated with "Other".
And last, but most certainly not least... someone brought a pair of tiny kittens over to the house. One in particular had a fairly familiar-looking expression on her face, and I ended up spontaneously nicknaming her Wrathface. Totally makes me want a black cat called Jakuri (who I would then also nickname Wrathface, because I've decided the word amuses me more than just about anything else in the world). This one's actually called Spooky, but... c'mon, who names a cat "Spooky"? So generic. You know that cat would make the best Jakuri-cat evar.
So now we've officially rung in a brand new year, and all that remains is to wait out these final three weeks-- less, actually!-- until the shores of Metafalss finally loom in sight. The release of a game such as this one is always a time of hope: a time of anticipating the new worlds and new wonders that will unfold before our eyes, the people we'll meet and take into our hearts for a time, the lessons we'll take away, and hoping that they will become truly beloved. Many of us know at least a little of what's coming, but who can truly say what will end up impacting us the most? What things will we learn, and how will this experience strengthen and enrich us? There's a lot to wonder about, a lot to hope for-- and in such a place as Ar Ciel, in particular, hope is one thing we can expect to find in abundance. We can even wash down release day with an extra helping of hope; as the first day of AT2's US release draws to a close, so will we also have seen Obama's first day in the US presidential office. No matter where in the world (or universe) you're from, this is the dawning of a new era, on many levels.
January 20 will bring us, I believe, a great deal of hope. Let's all take a little time to reflect on that, when the day does come.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
I don't think Aurica had a chance to celebrate the new year during the events of AT1. She was too busy making things explode... I think it's the mark of a good chef. Instead of making things explode by accident, she makes them explode with purpose!
The packaging bears pictures of all of the possible designs, including this musical Pom... Reyvapom!
Cute~ Instead of leaking filling, this one leaks music--and has the same characteristic as ordinary Poms that use their filling to turn their prey into more filling. That is to say, if you get licked by the Reyvapom, you literally become a song. Isn't that great? ^_^
Totally makes me want a black cat called Jakuri (who I would then also nickname Wrathface, because I've decided the word amuses me more than just about anything else in the world)
Would she be okay with that? I think only humans--human strangers, at that--get her Wrathface look. I mean, who wouldn't make that face in a room full of noisy, indifferent people who only want to chat about how's-your-job and quote from the crass humour of prime time television?
The Wrathface is a magnificent composition. It is a look of pure displeasure, with no hint of pouting, rage, smugness, or someone-rubbed-lemon-all-over-my-face-and-now-I-can't-open-my-anything! about it.
I have heard encouraging things about Metafalss' stance on species (special?) equality, and I look forward to being able to witness it for myself. There's no anticipation quite like the wait to live in and understand a new world.
I don't think Aurica had a chance to celebrate the new year during the events of AT1. She was too busy making things explode...
You know, on New Year's Eve, that's a talent that could be put to some use. She could have got to make things explode and participate in the festivities!
That is to say, if you get licked by the Reyvapom, you literally become a song. Isn't that great? ^_^
I... I... every home should have one. *nods* I wonder if people-turned-songs would be able to mingle seamlessly to become multi-part harmonies....
I mean, who wouldn't make that face in a room full of noisy, indifferent people who only want to chat about how's-your-job and quote from the crass humour of prime time television?
This is true. Jakuri as a barometer of cultural idiocy... I'd put that on my wall. When the levels of pointless inanity masquerading as genuine social interaction get too high, her smile becomes a Wrathface, immediately raising the temperature of the room to uncomfortable levels to get people back on track....
The Wrathface is a magnificent composition. It is a look of pure displeasure, with no hint of pouting, rage, smugness, or someone-rubbed-lemon-all-over-my-face-and-now-I-can't-open-my-anything! about it.
I screen/soda-interfaced. Except I wasn't actually drinking soda. But you know.
I agree that it's a high work of art. Does that make Jakuri the first ever person to be art in and of herself, with nothing needed other than her own facial mannerisms?
species (special?) equality
I've always wondered about that. The adjectival form of species really sounds like it should be "special", and I'm sure that would have caught on if not for the alternative meaning of the word. (Or perhaps "special" in the "set apart from the crowd" sense came from "special" in the "belonging to a particular category of things" sense? *needs to research this*)
There's no anticipation quite like the wait to live in and understand a new world.
Agreed, agreed, most heartily agreed!
--Hm, interesting: Not only does it come from "species", but it is also the adjective meaning "of or relating to species". They don't say that it's pronounced differently in that sense, though; I'd be inclined to pronounce it "SPEE-shal" as opposed to "SPE-shal" in that case, but it doesn't look like there's a difference, or at least not one that Wiktionary has recorded. (I miss having a big, fat, honest-to-goodness OED on my desk. I need to pick myself up one of those again at some point.)
Happy New Year!
'Course Aurica was blowing stuff up on New Year's! My poor kitchen...!
Interesting idea about the cat there, Ayulsa.
Indeed, who names a cat "Spooky"? Apparently my mom had a "Snowflake" and my dad had a "Snowball" when they were little. Sheesh, can't people name cats something that refers to other than what colours their fur is? It's a rather superficial way to look at a cat. (At least people aren't generally racist about cats. But still, to name them that... So superficial.)
Happy New Year Ayulsa-san!
You know, on New Year's Eve, that's a talent that could be put to some use. She could have got to make things explode and participate in the festivities!
Yes, I had thought of that as well. Symphonic fireworks! I was so impressed by China's year 2000 celebration, where an entire river was lit by fireworks, and a massive skyscraper was made to erupt with light one floor at a time over a full 60-second countdown. Imagine the Tower doing that. <3 The Tower's tall enough for it to be a full day countdown! Though it may be a little hard to see from Horus level... And the drama way wear a bit thin by the end of the 24th hour of non-stop distracting fireworks. XD
I... I... every home should have one. *nods* I wonder if people-turned-songs would be able to mingle seamlessly to become multi-part harmonies....
I wonder how people-turned-songs would look? Would they be tangible and able to interact with physical objects in the same way? Maybe they'll look just like ordinary humans, but every motion they make generates subtle overtones... Their body becomes an instrument, but unlike with Reyvateils, anyone can play. ;)
This is true. Jakuri as a barometer of cultural idiocy... I'd put that on my wall. When the levels of pointless inanity masquerading as genuine social interaction get too high, her smile becomes a Wrathface
Yes! I so need one of those on carry. XD
Not only does it come from "species", but it is also the adjective meaning "of or relating to species".
Ooh, interesting! We're spe(e)cial. XD "Reyvateil" sounds like a word with a foreign accent as well, so spee-cial sounds like it would blend right in.
Sheesh, can't people name cats something that refers to other than what colours their fur is? It's a rather superficial way to look at a cat.
It is. I like to think of creatures as who they are rather than what they are. I'm not sure why the names of most pets make them seem incapable of achieving or conceiving of anything other than being white, being furry, being small, being loud, etc.
I think many of us could use a Jakuri barometer. Except, the trick would be getting people to understand what the Jakuri wrathface signified and how to fix that. Some people seem pathologically superficial.
I imagine that people, on adopting a new pet, don't know it well enough to say anything about it other than that it's small, furry, and calico (or some other combination of superficial attributes), so they can't think of a name for it. Which is rather uncreative of them, but it's not all that hard to deal with it. I sidestep the whole description thing and just give pets people-type names. (Besides, then I get to name them after video game characters.)
Happy New Year, Lazy!
Imagine the Tower doing that. <3 The Tower's tall enough for it to be a full day countdown!
Wow... the Tower seems like it could actually be pretty useful as a stage for a lot of exciting lightshows. Though, true, you wouldn't be able to see what was going on at the Rinkernator at the bottom... but the people in the Rinkernator wouldn't be able to see the stuff down below very well, either. Maybe each segment would be meant to display primarily to a different portion of the population. The final display would be pretty much for Shurelia alone, and it could be her cue to break into Phantasmagoria and start everyone else singing too....
Their body becomes an instrument, but unlike with Reyvateils, anyone can play. ;)
Oh dear. Maybe they wouldn't actually appreciate that. Though the idea of creating music through your every interaction does sound wonderful, at least to me. Your whole existence being one continuous, ever-changing harmony....
Except, the trick would be getting people to understand what the Jakuri wrathface signified and how to fix that.
Maybe the Jakuri barometer needs to be a real Jakuri, then. Then it would definitely let you know what it meant by a wrathface. ;)
Which is rather uncreative of them, but it's not all that hard to deal with it.
Plus, one could really say the same about human kids: you get a baby, and you don't really know much about it other than that it's hazel-eyed, black-haired (if it has hair), etc. Yet people don't go around calling their kids "Blackie" because they didn't know their personalities well enough to think of a better name. I think most parents give their kids names either that they like in general or that seem to fit their vaguely-demonstrated personalities after a few days of knowing the child (like calling a child "Victor" if it seems like they'll grow up to be brash and bold and outgoing, or something), and you can do the same with any other creature.
I do agree that the fur colour thing... now that you put it like that, even if people aren't racist towards cats, it does seem a bit superficial and weird. It's kind of hard not to think that, because of its colour, a cat does look more like one kind of thing than another (I mean, a black cat would make a better Jakuri), but naming them after a character they resemble or such is at least more subtle.
The final display would be pretty much for Shurelia alone, and it could be her cue to break into Phantasmagoria and start everyone else singing too....
I somehow imagined the explosions moving downward, but moving upward works too. It's a neat idea, for singing to begin on cue as the explosions reach one's level. If only people were more evently distributed across different sections of the Tower, you'd be able to have more and more people join into the song gradually as the day progresses... Whoever started singing first would probablybe very, very, very tired by the end of it, though.
Oh dear. Maybe they wouldn't actually appreciate that.
I guess so... Thinking on a practical level, it would probably not be nice to inadvertently wake other people at night while getting a drink of water, and offices and libraries expect visitors to be quiet for the most part... Musical accompaniment for everything woudl still be neat, though. You haven't heard mood music 'till you've heard music produced immediately as a direct result of the events transpiring right now!
I imagine that people, on adopting a new pet, don't know it well enough to say anything about it other than that it's small, furry, and calico (or some other combination of superficial attributes), so they can't think of a name for it.
That's true. I wonder how long people usually wait before naming their pets/children? There are some pets, such as tanks full of tiny fish that all look the same, who aren't given names (except for their scientific names, if their caretaker is into talking about how difficult they are to raise properly).
It's kind of hard not to think that, because of its colour, a cat does look more like one kind of thing than another (I mean, a black cat would make a better Jakuri), but naming them after a character they resemble or such is at least more subtle.
And you're thinking of someone you love, rather than thinking about surface characteristics that describe the entity to be named.
Whoever started singing first would probably be very, very, very tired by the end of it, though.
So it should probably be Shurelia who gets to go first... moving down through the ranks of Reyvateils who have a pretty good life, to those on the Wings of Horus who have fewer opportunities and, possibly, less energy.
You haven't heard mood music 'till you've heard music produced immediately as a direct result of the events transpiring right now!
Yes! That's kind of what I was thinking. A whole group of people experiencing the same situation might produce interesting harmony, too.
There are some pets, such as tanks full of tiny fish that all look the same, who aren't given names
Aww. I think I prefer the idea of owning pets I can tell apart, although I do confess that I have long wanted a tank full of neon tetra. They're just gorgeous. I could name them collectively... call them, I don't know, the Oort Cloud, or the Virus Horde, or something.
And you're thinking of someone you love, rather than thinking about surface characteristics that describe the entity to be named.
This is true, yes. It's more like "this is a name that fills me with fondness" than just "X looks like Y".
I suppose if I had one of those cats with puffy white fur, I could name them "Twinkle"... That would show my fondness for injokes at least. `.`
Also, I'd totally buy candy that had the recycling symbol on it. Or various other industrial symbols.
However, as someone who's read "I am a Japanese School Teacher", I'm a bit suspicious of a candy that says "Kancho" on the package...
Musical accompaniment for everything woudl still be neat, though. You haven't heard mood music 'till you've heard music produced immediately as a direct result of the events transpiring right now!
I always wish I could have "area music" for the area that I'm in, like in RPGs. It would have to be good music, though, so that I wouldn't get overly sick of it. And there'd be a volume dial so that if I wanted some quiet, or if I was on the phone and couldn't hear the other person well, I could turn it down.
And yes, that's it, about naming cats after characters. Being named after someone you care for is something humans get, too-- babies named after someone's favourite uncle or somesuch.
A tank full of neon tetra collectively named the Oort Cloud would amuse me greatly...
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