I was rather amused to receive this in my inbox this morning. Amazon's product recommendations aren't usually that on the ball, especially since I use Amazon infrequently enough that they're often in relation to things I decided sounded like a good idea several years ago, but this accuracy was a pleasant surprise, even if they're a bit late to earn my custom.
"Accuracy", however, isn't the best term for the rest of this article. "The highly anticipated simulation RPG"-- I don't think that's exactly what "dating sim" refers to-- "is returning to the PS2 promising its cult followers"-- don't they mean the game has a "cult following"? I'm not sure Ar Tonelico fandom generally requires obscure rituals and obedience to a charismatic leader-- "more gameplay, features and innuendos." Innuendos? Plural? And what about, oh, say, the music? I suppose that's counted under "features".
Oh, no, wait:
"See more in PlayStation 2 > Rhythm > Singing & Karaoke Games"
At least they did recognise that there's music in it, I suppose.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
It's also ranked #19 in the best-selling list of rhythm/music games. Makes me wonder what the other 18 are...
"All new gameplay, features, and innuendos!"
Somehow I doubt they actually managed to invent an all-new version of the world's oldest joke.
Ar Tonelico: Come for the innuendos, stay for the bad pluralisation.
"Fans will... while RPG enthusiasts will..."
Dear copywriter: Let me introduce you to a new concept, that of subsets.
Ah! I apologise for misquoting the article. It did not, in fact, call the "innuendos" all-new. It merely said that there were more of them. Perhaps I'd just blocked the idea of AT2 having any more innuendo out of my mind in horror...
"The highly anticipated simulation RPG"-- I don't think that's exactly what "dating sim" refers to
Simulation seems to refer to a lot of different things in Japan. I'm not sure any of them apply to AT though...
In some fandoms, I could see the cult follower becoming a meme. You'd start seeing people wearing "Cult Follower of Ar Tonelico" shirts and buttons at conventions. As it is, I'm tempted to put it in my signature on forums...
I probably have copies of close to 18 rhythm/music games. o.O
It merely said that there were more of them. Perhaps I'd just blocked the idea of AT2 having any more innuendo out of my mind in horror...
Well, it wouldn't be that hard to have more innuendo without increasing the relative amount of it. Just make the game longer. `.`
(I'm reminded that I still need to reply on the covers post... It's taking me a while to get my thoughts in order though.)
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