Already posted on the forums about this, but still, something this momentous is worth mentioning twice: there are officially copies of AT2 at a Residence Near* Me.
I won't actually get to touch until tomorrow, but we will nevertheless be playing AT2 before it hits game stores. Don't expect a first report immediately, because I'll lack internet for a few days, but rest secure (or envious, or something) in the knowledge that someone, somewhere in the world, will be playing AT2 in English.
Now all I need to do is pray the translation doesn't fail. Or rather, pray it doesn't fail that badly; I think the chances of its not actually failing in any way are pretty darn slim.
Still, right now, I'm having a hard time feeling too down about that, because omgeleventyone!!4w#$!AT2!115! ...and I should really fix myself some food before I fall over.
Also, while I was posting this, a Left Behind Friday just happened. I think I may possibly die of stuff overload now.
*for transatlantic values of "near"
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Congrats! I'm still playing AS for now, so the wait won't be bad for me.
*for transatlantic values of "near"
Hehe. Very cute.
I must finish P3 before AT2 gets here! I just know I'm going to drop everything else in favour of AT2 once I have a chance to become part of the experience, and I don't generally get back into a story well from mid-way, so whatever I haven't finished yet needs to be finished soon...
You're so lucky to have AT2 to keep you company while your Internet service is out. I hope you've printed out the Completely Spoiler-free Talk Topic Guide in advance!
I previously criticised AT2's advertising, saying that there's no such thing as a new innuendo.
I was wrong. AT2 really does have all-new innuendos.
Wow, NISA. Just... wow.
Heh... the Completely Spoiler-free Talk Topic Guide was the one thing I failed to print out. XD Thankfully, I can at least go get it today. I don't think we needed it yet, since I'm mostly worried about it for Jakuri's talk topics....
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