So, for the last few days now we've been working on a little project over here: constructing avatars of the Reyvablog cast in Second Life! Unfortunately we probably can't do everyone's character, since we don't have as detailed an awareness of what everyone else looks like as we do of our own characters and because of the necessity of buying items every tweak and modification costs money, so unless you're willing to pay and provide a really good description (and we can find Teru tails and horns), there probably won't be any, say, winters avatars coming along soon. But at the very least, you can get an exclusive OOC glimpse at the faces behind the words of a few of our regular commenters.
dhezeall sticks it to The Man by refusing to pose in anything other than her lounging-around-the-house clothes.
Unfortunately, it was hard to get a good shot of heartofharmony; she was too shy to look into the camera much.
neonsunray is ready to face the day.
In a society that hates what you are, even little expressions of your self can be dangerous....
These avatars aren't really finished-- dhezeall needs better eyes (she's wearing temporary eyes that were Photoshopped at the moment because the ones we bought for her didn't fit her face), we'll probably acquire more clothes for her and neonsunray as well as generally poking at various tweaks until we have everyone down exactly right, and we'll be doing photoshoots with them in more realistic settings (and poses). Plus, we've yet to put together AR's avatar, but rest assured that she'll be around soon too. Still, for now, enjoy the preview of our work to come!
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Ohnoes, their pictures are on the internets, tagged as being Reyvateils? Are you sure that's safe? ;)
I did actually have to keep stopping myself and asking that before remembering that, no, it is actually okay. :)
Just as long as no one who shouldn't know what they look like makes reference to their appearances on the blog (like, polyhymnia is the only one who would know what dhezeall and heartofharmony look like off the top of her head, I think, although the three of them might have all met collectively by now), it'll work. :)
Also, winters has a hat, and... a tail should be really easy to find in SL. I mean, this is SL. You can't rez a box without hitting a furry.
(Presumably also she covers it up at work, so all that would technically be necessary would be clothes that a tail could potentially be hidden under.)
That's true. I was thinking of a furless, flesh-hued tail (naked mole rat? Scaleless dragon?), but we still might be able to find something. I'll poke around furry avatar places just in case. :)
Tintable alligator.
Ohnoes, their pictures are on the internets, tagged as being Reyvateils? Are you sure that's safe? ;)
When I saw 4 comments on this post, I was half-expecting to see requests to take down those pictures.
neonsunray dresses so well, though! Just like an artist. *thumbs up!* I only recently got back into wearing scarves, myself... It's okay if they aren't heavy or tight enough to choke, or scratchy or staticy or... Knitted scarves are right out. Anyway...
dhezeall's a lot less weary-looking than I had imagined. I guess it doesn't make sense to pose for a photo looking weary and with worn, old clothes. Oh dear, what have I done to my mental impression of her?
Yeah, she keeps the tail hidden too. (Almost continually, actually. It's harder to change your pants than it is to take off a hat.)
That of course leaves the issue of what it takes *to* hide a Teru tail... Depends a lot on things like flexability, and what it hurts or doesn't hurt to do with it, and other things that aren't too obvious...
Well, at least it's safe to say she doesn't wear spandex.
I think I'd probably have to get the game and go looking myself. A lot of times I can tell what looks right for characters when I see it, but I can't describe it without visual aids...
(If anyone does spot anything that would work for the horns though, I might be interested. If I actually do decide to try SL.)
Tintable alligator.
Statistically Improbable Phrases on this blog include.... ;P
When I saw 4 comments on this post, I was half-expecting to see requests to take down those pictures.
dhezeall's a lot less weary-looking than I had imagined. I guess it doesn't make sense to pose for a photo looking weary and with worn, old clothes. Oh dear, what have I done to my mental impression of her?
I assume that on a weekend lounging about in her house she looks just fine, if not exactly dressed up; in the evenings after she gets in from work she probably looks a lot more exhausted. I'll have to get a pic of her flopped on a couch. XD
On the other end of the spectrum, when she's with friends/close people she can look pretty happy, and even kind of smart. She just doesn't take the effort to dress up when she's by herself....
She has a decentish life, on the whole, and she has people who care about her. I figure AR's more weary than she is, really; dhezeall just has a wry sense of humour.
Also, I must say it would have been fascinating if the blog characters had spontaneously overrun this blog to make a statement about these pictures being posted... that would have been an interesting blending of worlds!
Oh-- my-- goodness! What are you guys THINKING?! neonsunray's already had enough problems with journalists outing her without her permission. She doesn't need her picture on the internet too! And what if dhezeall loses her job? I can't believe you'd do a thing like this!
Aww, don't worry, polyhymnia. I will personally see to it that dhezeall does not lose her job, uh, unless it is required for plot reasons. ...sorry, that isn't very reassuring, is it?
Eh, they already know I'm a Reyvateil at my job. I worry for neonsunray, though; she doesn't need that kind of publicity.
--hey, though, wait a minute, plot reasons?! I don't wanna lose my job! You wouldn't put my life on the line just for a story, right?
dhezeall, you should watch this old twenty-first century film.
Huh. Maybe I'll sit down and do that this evening. My hands aren't going to be up to much typing anyway; those fourth walls are tough, darn it.
Plot related reasons... I never knew that phrase could sound quite as sinister. Please do your best to live, dhezeall! I'll pray for your continued safety.
this old twenty-first century film.
That disc's recording surface survived over 17 times longer than the advertisement claimed it would... I'm impressed. I wonder if any 38th century device is capable of playing it back?
Surely it's encoded in some other format in library archives somewhere, like scans of old newspapers.
I did figure people probably passed such things down via digital download and eventually archived them for historical purposes when they went into the public domain, yes.
Please do your best to live, dhezeall! I'll pray for your continued safety.
Aw, heh... even from this side of the fourth wall, that's pretty touching. Didn't know you guys cared....
I did figure people probably passed such things down via digital download and eventually archived them for historical purposes when they went into the public domain, yes.
One would think so, but languages,file formats, available physical resources, cultural norms, and environmental conditions could have changed a lot in 1763 years... Our predecessors on this side of the fourth wall probably didn't expect their holy scriptures to be debated over linguistic technicalities and transcriptional accuracy across copies from several different sources.
We know that a variant of binary would still be around, at least (does that mean quantum computing never caught on?), and that precise instructions can be given to the Tower by anyone who knows the Hymmnos Spell for a given instruction, if such a Hymmnos Spell exists. Maybe that'll be enough to use the Tower was a sort of media player component. In fact... *wonders if that is what Shurelia's Cosmosphere was about* Totally immersive movies where you become the world...
Meanwhile, the lives of fictional characters continue to be pretty hard. Not only do many Reyvateils lack a say in partners, they also lack a say in clothing choices....
To be fair, though, we've been trying dresses on dhezeall for the part of the story where she did actually go all out and dress up for a date she was really excited about having, so she can't really complain about where the plot took her, there. ;)
Stuck with a blue dress for plot reasons... And such an important plot point, too! A true tragedy.
It's so adorable to imagine dhezeall getting all excited and nervous about a date, though! I can easily imagine her being excited, but nervous... Maybe she isn't nervous. Maybe she'll wear that disbelieving look to her date. XD Sense of humour matters. Go, go, dhezeall!
dhezeall's sense of humour is near-perpetual. :) Though she can be, and often is, sincere and genuine, both in expression and in deed. And, like all Reyvateils, her feelings run deep, so getting excited and even anxious about something that could lead to a deep emotional bond is something she'd do, I think... aren't we all a little anxious and fluttery when meeting someone new for the first time, even if we seem calm on the surface?
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