So occasionally I find myself Googling the terms "Reyvateil rights", just to see if anyone else has put anything out there. I suppose it's a combination of hoping other people will have put forth their views on these things, because I like reading about how others interpret these concepts, and wanting there to be more representation out there of the idea because I think a work like Ar Tonelico invites it, to the point where it's almost criminal not to discuss the issues it raises. Inevitably, I only find my own work; the term, in quotes, brings up five results at current, covering my three blogs.
I'd like that to change. AT2's release is almost upon us: seven days away, almost six. January 20th is a day when many of us will unite in hope, in solidarity, as we work towards making Ar Ciel, and hopefully this world too, a better place to be.
So why is no one talking about the issues of sexism and speciesism raised by AT's world? Why is no one writing fiction, writing essays, creating art, that addresses the problems Reyvateils face in Sol Ciel? Crucially, why are the only people attacking AT on the grounds of sexism those who dislike the series for it, instead of seeing it as a flaw but the characters and world as still worthwhile, and something we should strive to explore, strive to better, through art?
I'd like to challenge you all to a little something. Between now and AT2's release, I'd like to see you write something, or draw something, or create something, on the subject of Reyvateil rights. Even if you only post in your blog about it, I'd like to hear more said on this topic. (Exceptions made for those who are having huge moving-type upheavals this month; you can submit something at a later date, or just count Reyvablog postings. :)
If you don't have a blog, feel free to post submissions in this comment thread, although I'd ideally like to see the content distributed across a number of sites.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
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