A friend sent a Second Life screenshot to me with the following caption: Omg, a scary weird-looking version of Mir has hacked into Aurica's brain and kidnapped Don Leon!
...and that really is exactly what this looks like. (Warning: this image may disturb you if you're a Mir fan who doesn't like seeing messed-up-looking images of characters you like.) I know it's not actually Don Leon, and it's probably not actually someone trying to be Mir, but still, the similarities in the whole composition of the image are just unsettling.
For comparison and comfort, here's my version of Mir all decked out in kimono.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
That bad-looking* Mir-esque person leaves me with one obvious conclusion:
It is an avatar not of Mir, but of a Mir cosplayer.**
*Normally I wouldn't comment on someone being bad-looking or not, but in Second Life you can look any way you want. No one actually has to be ugly, unless they're super-new and haven't yet figured out where to get free nice stuff. In which case they're not so much ugly as that they're having a noob hair day.
**No offence to cosplayers. A minority of them actually do look quite nice, and even the ones that don't are having fun, which is the point.
a noob hair day.
XD. I love that.
Even the default avatars aren't ugly any more, I don't think. So your only excuse is kind of "you don't realise how awful you have made this look".
a Mir cosplayer.
One who had a passionate encounter with a Lulu cosplayer in a hotel room and came away without checking herself in the mirror, I think....
(Also, the idea of an avatar of a cosplayer is just so meta, although I kind of wouldn't make one because it would be offensive to cosplayers.)
a Mir cosplayer [...] who had a passionate encounter with a Lulu cosplayer
The following response has been censored to remove the non-worksafe parts:
If it were a better cosplayer, of course.
The angle of Mir's picture is really nice. Her pipe organ hair accessory interacts with the headphones and makes it appear as though the headphones have an antenna attachment. ^_^ And she looks gorgeous in that kimono. Suitably large so that it doesn't chafe, either!
The picture of the shoddy cosplay Mir is... Well, it certainly fits the description. Mir wouldn't kidnap Don Leon, though. She'd be giving him a ride, or something.
The following response has been censored to remove the non-worksafe parts:
o.O That's a lot of volatile statements! I don't think I want to imagine the parts that you did censor...
Maybe Mir kidnapping Don Leon is what happened when she took Aurica over?
Deciare, you should play Second Life. Then you could have a Reyvateil hair accessory. =D
Suitably large so that it doesn't chafe, either!
That's partly the fault of her avatar, actually; it's so small in comparison to the ones normally used in SL that the kimono kind of drowns her. XD It's one of her favourite outfits, though. So regal and flowing.
Also, that is an antenna, actually. She's not wearing her hair accessory in that shot, I don't think; but the headphones do have that. :)
Deciare, you should play Second Life. Then you could have a Reyvateil hair accessory. =D
I'm thinking about it~, but it'll eat my life! I can't stop spending in virtual economies, and I've already run out of things to spend. ^^;
That's partly the fault of her avatar, actually; it's so small in comparison to the ones normally used in SL that the kimono kind of drowns her. XD It's one of her favourite outfits, though. So regal and flowing.
What a nice side-effect, then! Since she's accustomed to wearing nothing, no direct contact == comfortable. And it's kind of soothing to imagine her swimming around in that mass, tossing the flowery print around like leaves on the surface of the stream...
Also, that is an antenna, actually. She's not wearing her hair accessory in that shot, I don't think; but the headphones do have that. :)
Like a mini-Tower transceiver... It's too cute!! >w< *much face-burrowing ensues*
Since she's accustomed to wearing nothing, no direct contact == comfortable.
Yep, pretty much. She'd have to be really careful with tags and scratchy bits on things she wore, and uncomfortable fabric in general. She's one vast swathe of skin that hasn't touched anything or seen sunlight in some 350 years... even her hair probably tickles.
And it's kind of soothing to imagine her swimming around in that mass, tossing the flowery print around like leaves on the surface of the stream...
Aww, yes. I think she likes the idea of outfits she can hide in. :)
Like a mini-Tower transceiver... It's too cute!! >w< *much face-burrowing ensues*
Well, there's plenty of fabric there to burrow it in. :) And if you want some private burrowing space, I'm sure Mir would be happy to move from her pillow and let you curl up in the warm spot....
She's one vast swathe of skin that hasn't touched anything or seen sunlight in some 350 years... even her hair probably tickles.
Her condition's more severe than I thought... Is it possible to not be used to the touch of one's own hair? Maybe it comes from floating in the Binary Field for that long... But then, she wouldn't be used to having skin, either. Or weighing anything. Or having to breathe. Oh dear. It's like being born all over again. No wonder she was so shy in her early days.
And if you want some private burrowing space, I'm sure Mir would be happy to move from her pillow and let you curl up in the warm spot....
*burrows gleefully!*
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