Friday, 5 December 2008

I <3 Reyvablog.

Have I mentioned how much I love the Reyvablog? And the fact that its players are now, amongst other wonderful things, spontaneously generating in-world poetry? (See, at current, the bottom of the thread.) It's always an honour to have one's fanwork generate more fanworks, and nowhere does this tendency have the opportunity to thrive more than in RP, where the fans are the content creators, in part.

I'm thankful to everyone who's participated, and continues to participate, in this great shared exercise in worldcrafting. You've all given something great to this work and helped it to grow, and I hope to see it continue to thrive.


Anonymous said...

I found the eMule poetry site at total random by searching for poetry sites. Polyhymnia doesn't go to violent extremist sites or anything, I swear! It just happens to have a shocking name. =D

Anonymous said...

There's nothing extremist about Mir's poetry. Well, except for the fact that it's extremely moving. <3 I think it's kind of cute when humans try to emulate her style.

Anonymous said...

It's certainly never boring.

Although now I'm stuck wondering what sort of stereotypes there are in Teru-fetish porn...

Ayulsa said...

Ah, so *that's* what you are! I think Reyvateils tend to assume everyone posting's from the Lower World, and there aren't exactly many Teru down there. (An outcast?) Their own little assumption that they need not to have made. Interesting how they, too, have their own stereotypes, and reveal the limitations of their own thinking.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was pretty obvious from my last comment here. (Not human, not Reyvateil - what else is there?)

And I was thinking more an... well, okay, that won't work, I was thinking "expatriate", but lists a definition involving banishment. Anyway, the idea is that she fell in love with the lower world's technology, and left of her own will. (I'm thinking 10-15 years before the game, but the exact number probably isn't important.) She probably didn't actually do anything that violated Teru law *while there*, so she could probably go back if she really wanted.

Numbers are kind of an interesting question. Really, the FTTGG world seems to have a much higher population than the game always 'felt like' to me. But assuming there's enough Teru for a sustainable population, I figure at least a moderate number would end up other places for one reason or another.

Still, that's why she's rather coy about her species - Teru engineers are probably pretty rare too, even if she is trying to hide that she is one.

(I've also wondered where the Teru are supposed to have come from in the first place. `.` )

I thought a character like this might have some interesting differences in perspective...

Anonymous said...

There are Teru among those of us in the Lower World? *blinks in surprise* I thought they kept to themselves for the most part... Though I suppose we can all think of exceptions.

Oh dear, minutes after discovering your identity and I'm already speculating. Sorry.

Really, the FTTGG world seems to have a much higher population than the game always 'felt like' to me.

A very small number of surface locations were covered by AT1. Given that both the Church and Tenba make a substantial from providing protection services (among other things) to towns, there must be more than what we can access in-game. The art book mentions 3 long-distance transportation routes, too, and it'd be kind of silly for them to be connecting any of the 3 cities in the Lower World to the other two. Not that I'm complaining. Convenience is good.

Firely Alley is supposed to be huge, too, segmented into many isolated blocks (rings?), each with their own theme. Commonlife Town attracts cats. I think it also attracts Reyvateils. For an altogether different reason than it attracts cats, I'm afraid...But I imagine it's nice to have some sense of company, even then...

So so so! Trolleys. Buildings. Churches. Outposts. Lodgings. If there were as only as many people in the world as AT1 seemed to suggest, there'd be enough for each person in the world to own several. Ah, for a world without strife or envy... ^_^

Anonymous said...

Yes! Speculate! You can help me figure out what Teru porn stereotypes would be! <3

(Though you're sounding awfully IC for someone who should be reading this... `.` )

And yeah, there's obviously a lot more than what's directly shown in the game. This just feels like... even more than that, somehow. Subjective feeling is subjective?

Anonymous said...

Do you think I sound in-character here? What a nice thing to say~. I have trouble getting into character, so it's always a relief to know that I'm being IC. Maybe it's the other way around. Maybe I'm OOC even when I'm supposed to be IC (in-line circuit is always connected to the Tower *nods*), so I don't sound much different in either case.

You can help me figure out what Teru porn stereotypes would be! <3

Ecchi na no wa ikenai to omoimasu. *deadpan stare*

... Oh! So that's why Rudje looked like that! I wonder if she likes dressing up like a member of the Teru tribe, or...

And yeah, there's obviously a lot more than what's directly shown in the game. This just feels like... even more than that, somehow.

I know. I love this feeling of all-encompassing vastness that you could easily live in. Even so, in this busy, changing world, people have opportunities to get to know each other and discover themselves. Isn't that great?

Anonymous said...

I was mostly talking about where you said "There are Teru among those of us in the Lower World?" Which sounds like something the character would say. `.`

"Ecchi na no wa ikenai to omoimasu. *deadpan stare*"

*clings* But it's scary! There could be anything in there! ;.;

"... Oh! So that's why Rudje looked like that! I wonder if she likes dressing up like a member of the Teru tribe, or..."

I don't know, but if that's from where the url suggests it's from, the name and description of that comes out to something like "Tenha Uniform: Uniform of synthesis and enterprise Tenha." So, not particularly Teru. (Not that a Teru outfit would be that unbelievable, given some of the other weird outfits in there...)

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, I can't believe I didn't think of the Teru tribe. And I'm a big fan of Tastiella and everything...

polyhymnia concluded that you were human (since you didn't have magic) but just felt awkward about making a declaration of it among a bunch of people who didn't have your privileges. She totally didn't think of the idea that you might be neither human nor Reyvateil; she just assumes you're a human, maybe like a blonde with long legs or something due to the fetish thing.

I think I've learned something today: No matter how much you think you're making accommodations for all minorities, there's probably always some group you're forgetting to include. I suppose the best we can hope for is for everyone to be elastic enough to accommodate as soon as they realise.

Um... I hate to take the thread concretely in this direction, especially because I'm at work and this is going to get non-worksafe really fast, but if you're trying to think of what stereotypes... maybe similar to whatever's out there now regarding animals?

Ayulsa said...

Hmm, I wonder if it'd really be taken all the way in that direction quite so much, since Teru are, of course, sentient. Maybe, like, the "big brawny dense person who's really good at what they do but not known for their brains" archetype, or something? Not that Teru actually are like that at all, but with the animal-like features, that might be what people jump to who don't know anything about them, sort of like the way black people are stereotyped in that sort of stuff because people unfairly associate them with crude ideas about tribalism/being more animalistic-- oh, big macho stud/big buxom girl with booty, rawr.

Alternatively, since Teru seem to have some magical abilities that humans don't, maybe it'd actually focus on that more; a fixation on their unique abilities. (I'm sure dhezeall wouldn't mind that, since magic seems to be her thing, though I think she prefers Reyvateils.) Either way, I... kind of figure the tails would get a lot of screen time. I mean, extra appendage! What's not to like? (Apologies to IC-winters, here.... ^^;)

Anonymous said...

maybe like a blonde with long legs or something due to the fetish thing.

There'd always be the option of hair dye in that case...

(Actually, I've been assuming IC-winters does that anyway. One of my potentially dubious ideas about Teru is that they have most of the unusual hair colors around. Thus the hat, to reduce the amount of touching up that's required.)

What inspired me to bring the whole thing up is that the situation there is pretty similar to that for Reyvateils - it's because of something that she was born with and can hide, but not really change. (Most of the other stuff, not so much, if only due to there being a lot fewer Teru around to form stereotypes around. But the internet shows us that no fetish is too obscure to have *someone* catering to it...)

Either way, I... kind of figure the tails would get a lot of screen time.


*Runs over to artbook* *pagepagepage*


Teru have *tails*? o.O

*Goes for the other artbook* *Finds full-body portrait of Lyra* ... Huh. Time for re-evaluation of IC-winters taste in clothes. `.` (And wondering how Jack hides one of those O.o )

The specifics might not make much difference now, since that discussion seems to have died out for now. Though who knows, the subject may come up again. (Another of the lessons of the internet, porn is inescapble...)

Ayulsa said...

I wonder, randomly... what bothers IC-winters so much about revealing her Teru-ness? Like you said, there probably isn't a lot of negative press. "There aren't many of us in the Lower World" is a slightly odd reason to hide, unless it's just that she might be personally identified through the blog...?

Because I'm sure if she were to say it, everyone would be like "omg, sorry for assuming you were human!" and such... they just aren't going to think of it, likely, of their own accord. But in a meta-sense, people feel bad for assuming.

Anonymous said...

It is just the personal identity thing, I think. I'm not sure it'd really be that easy, but she's a bit paranoid. (Which may also explain her preocupation with worst case scenarios.)

As it is, she's already dropping what she feels are rather larege hints (but probably aren't when you don't already know the answer), but she isn't at the point yet where she'd do a reveal. (And even then she's unlikely to state it directly, just because at that point she'll probably be fairly mad.)

Anonymous said...

I think I've learned something today: No matter how much you think you're making accommodations for all minorities, there's probably always some group you're forgetting to include.

Well, in a general case, there can be minority groups within minority groups that an outsider wouldn't typically know about, and might not be agreed upon even by people within the superset minority.

People may see IC-winters' undisguised self as "Teru", but that does say anything about whether she identifies with that description. It's up to each individual to decide what group they belong to even if other people don't see it. It would be quite difficult to accommodate every minority, including those that aren't commonly known to exist.

Maybe, like, the "big brawny dense person who's really good at what they do but not known for their brains" archetype, or something? Not that Teru actually are like that at all, but with the animal-like features, that might be what people jump to who don't know anything about them

I see most Teru as being too graceful and soft-spoken, not to mention slender, for that kind of stereotype. One would have to literally know nothing about them and presume that their animalistic features are far more exaggerated as they are to arrive at that kind of conclusion. Unless members of that... Industry... Put on costumes during their working hours, I don't think it's a stereotype that will survive for long.

And wondering how Jack hides one of those O.o


Anonymous said...

One would have to literally know nothing about them

Given the sort of things that I've heard about with black people in porn (well, mostly men)... That really wouldn't surprise me.

Though I wouldn't say it's certain either. Stereotypes can develop in strange ways sometimes. Though I'm not sure what porn would do with graceful, soft-spoken, and slender...


There's sketches of him without it, from behind no less. Of course, those are the SD ones, so it's hard to tell too much... On the other hand, the full drawing from the front doesn't make it look like the cape would hide much either. (It's a bit easier to see in the big artbook.)

It doesn't look like he's wearing super-tight clothing, so I guess it could be under it. (I don't want to think too much about the possiblity of it having gotten cut off.) Still, for that to work, it'd have to be pretty flexible, probably fairly controllable as well, and not extraordinarily sensitive (otherwise one couldn't stand keeping it in an odd arrangemnt for very long)...

Yeah, I'm thinking the tail might get a *lot* of attention. o.O

Anonymous said...

Hmm... Jack does have body modification, that being his left arm... I wonder if he also did something about his tail to pass better as a human.

It's interesting to note that Lyra is the only Teru with an exposed tail. The others all wear long robes.I wonder if she's the exception?

Though I'm not sure what porn would do with graceful, soft-spoken, and slender...

Put them in the role of manipulator rather than manipulated? It would be distasteful for an entire people to be cast only as victims. Teru have always appeared regal and scholarly to me, so I think they would fit roles concerning leadership, set up, and planning.

Anonymous said...

(That last post... was really hard to get to come out the way I wanted it to. ... Maybe if I'm lucky, it actually did come out the way I wanted it to. @.@ )

Exception to wearing long robes, or exception to having a tail?

I haven't got an AT save file with access to Em Pheyna handy or I'd look, but I don't know if the tail would be that noticable in the sprites. Lyra's the only one in the artbooks I've got who looks like she's wearing something that'd be considered a casual outfit... But then, there's also a head-and-shoulders drawing of Jack wearing something that looks a lot like a less ornate version of Flute's outfit. So maybe that sort of thing is normal. No hint of what's going on below the waist there though.

For that matter, those pointy things on Lyra's head that I was thinking were part of her headwear... Flute has them too, in the picture of him *without* his headwear, so maybe not? Though, it's hard to be certain, but they don't look like they stick out as much. If it is actually a body part, something that has a lot of individual variation? Since they aren't visible on Jack at all. (And for some reason I'm uncomfortable with Jack having had even more body modification. Yet, I'm not bothered by series with total conversion cyborgs. Yeah, I'm weird. `.` )

This just keeps getting more and more complicated... @.@

I suppose there could be a fair amount of variation on the tail too, with some being easier to hide than others.

(And I keep thinking back to the issues Makoto had with hiding her "boy parts" in Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa. That's... probably a *really* bad thing to be thinking about here...)

Put them in the role of manipulator rather than manipulated?

I think I'd find that just as distasteful as the other way around, if I was the one the stereotype was pointed at. (If, admittedly, not so likely to cause direct issues.)

Ayulsa said...

I'm pretty sure "horns and tails" is the standard array of Teru body parts, yes. Which the hat, in part, would account for.

I think I'd find that just as distasteful as the other way around, if I was the one the stereotype was pointed at. (If, admittedly, not so likely to cause direct issues.)

Porn stereotypes are never going to be tasteful things, really. (Distasteful... doesn't quite mean the opposite of tasteful, I know, but it's true either way.)

Anonymous said...

I was really just thinking about the hair color issue when I first came up with the hat thing. (That and looking through the artbook, and noting that pretty much everyone who wears a hat *is* Teru. Hiding her species, yet alluding to it through things like that fits IC-winters somewhat prickly nature. *Insert cactus reference here*)

Distasteful... doesn't quite mean the opposite of tasteful, I know, but it's true either way.

I suppose it'd be more accurate for me to say then that I'd be far more *freaked out* seeing that particular stereotype aimed at me.

Easiest way I can think of to describe it is by looking at some of my other RP characters. Reaction to someone trying to make them a victim is simple enough: Just shoot them.

On the other hand, if someone were viewing them as a potential victimizer, they'd probably scream, run away, and maybe start crying. It's a far more disturbing thing to contemplate.