While working on an install port design for Mir, we unfortunately encountered a few... stability issues. (Work-safety warning: nudity, mosaic-censored, behind link.)
Poor Mir; looks like she's going to have to be shipped back to the Tower for repairs. Thankfully, like most other problems in the AT universe, this one can be fixed with towels, at least temporarily. Just wrap her up, keep her warm, and she'll be good to go again pretty soon.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Oh dear. Do I even want to ask why that image rendered on her? Oh, SL, your glitchiness is at least hilarious.
Actually, it rendered on her because I put it there. XD It was kind of me punning.
Aw, you put it there on purpose? Aren't her Red Eyebeams of Death enough?
XD! Well, you have to admit they match quite fetchingly?
Also, eyebeams? XD I thought she just had Eyes of Wrath. Which are sort of like Ides of March, in that one is generally advised to beware them. Except... not really, since she's secretly just a fluff deep down.
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