...does it say anywhere in the official materials for AT how Grathnode crystals are removed from Reyvateils? Can anyone think how they would be? Since the crystals seem to be absorbed into the body at the site of the install port, one would think getting them out would require magic; it's not like you can just reach your hand in and grab one. Yet the Reyvateils' partners seem to be able to remove them fairly trivially.
Any thoughts on this? I was thinking some kind of device might be used to scan for existing Grathnodes, extract the raw... Grathnode-stuff through the install port and recrystallise them, basically reversing the install process, but that's basically my bit of handwaving and Applied Phlebotinum; the actual process doesn't seem to be discussed in-game at all....
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
What I always wondered about was how crystals got "associated" with individual songs. A moment of gameplay/story segregation maybe? (Or whatever it is they call it at TVTropes.) The equipment enhancing system seems to be rather arbitrary too.
(While I'm at it, installing in Aurica looks rather impractical, with the whole reaching around behind thing, doesn't it?)
It doesn't seem unreasonable to me that a Reyvateil could just will the crystal to pop out, but that would be *my* bit of handwaving. `.`
I don't know. There's a lot of stuff about installing that seems kind of hard to figure out in story terms. (The parts about risks of installing that have shown up in FTTGG... don't feel quite right to me, but on the other hand, it can't really be as simple as just getting tired faster, can it? Well, I wouldn't think the designers would want people to feel guilty about doing it at all... I don't know.)
Random side note, oh god do I hate the captcha blogger uses. It'd be better if it at least didn't expire while I was writing comments, forcing me to do a second one almost every time...
I guess it could be a gameplay thing, but isn't it kind of nice to be able to explain it into plot terms? After all, the world itself *is* formed by the game...
I hate the captcha expiring all the time, too.
I'm still researching on that, but it kinda looks like that the Reyvateil herself has to feel that she doesn't need the crystal just to expel it out, and since the crystal has wavelengths very different from the ones the Reyvateil and her songs have, it can be easily reformed and after that, it comes out from the install port.
And Ayulsa, I will be giving you soon something about the Installs that I translated from the Settei Book (it will be a very interesting read for you).
Oh, hey, thanks, Aquagon! That'd be really awesome! *looks forward to it!*
And the Reyvateil deciding and just expelling it from her body by isolating the frequencies and reforming it makes sense, yes. I bet it takes some concentration to reform one, mind... and it must hurt as much coming out as it does going in....
Which is a extra reason for me to prefer Dualstall to Install (at least Dualstall doesn't look painful)...
*nods* From what I've heard about it, I agree. I'm rather relieved about its being the system for AT2, as I don't think I'd have the heart to install into Jakuri....
Well, I just got far enough in my replay to install into Aurica, and it turns out I was remembering it completely wrong. Lyner does stand behind her to do it. Where *did* I get that reaching around behind mental image from? o.O
I still don't quite see the thing about it being life-reducing. Aurica just sounds a bit too casual about it. (And with this coming after level 4, she shouldn't be so lacking in confidence that she'd be willing to endanger herself so much to be "not useless".)
It also sounds like it shouldn't hurt much if done carefully. (I've heard there's a scene that comes up if you're "careless", but I don't know what it takes to do that... o.O )
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