So I did say I'd be posting some fanart of Mir using SL as a generating tool, and here are a few from a photoshoot I did today in a great set of sims by La TusSim. I stumbled across these earlier today, played about with some of the poseballs, and went, "hey-- this would make a great setup for an awakening-Mir shoot". Some Photoshop involved, to varying degrees, though the third image needed almost no edits (and was also a fluke, since the pose from the first image accidentally carried over through the teleport)-- and the pseudo-Ar Tonelico in the second was there to begin with!
The problem with fanart of Mir is that it generally either involves nakedness or costumes that are next to impossible to come by (or, I suppose, Funbun t-shirts), so I opted for nakedness in these images-- which, despite the fact that this is how official art and pretty much all fanart draws her, somehow manages to look more explicit than I'd tend to go for. I think it's the 3D.
Still, I think these are tasteful-- or at least, as tasteful as Mir ever gets.
Mule Birth
Virus Code
Wake Up, Mir
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Poor Mir. She's tasteful at heart.
--Does fanart cover her with her hair more, perhaps?
They're beautiful renditions.
I especially love the second picture. Mir exploring the world outside the Tower at night, working her special form of magic to transform the land around her in strange and magnificent ways. She's an artist who can touch the data that defines the world.
The other two pictures weren't distasteful at all, either. Everyone's born without clothes, but Mir's birth was shrouded in more magic and Tower connection than most. <3
Aww, I really like that description of her. As an artist, and her birth being shrouded in Tower connection.... :)
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