Did another Reyvablog photoshoot in SL last night; mostly just test shooting, putting together new avatars for some story-related snaps we're going to take later, but got several images in the meantime that I wanted to show off (as well as a little outtake comic that I'll post after tomorrow, since it contains spoilers for the current plot).
Mir and Lyuma 2.0 chilling at the Mirbunker
Just a random shot I thought was amusing; it looks like Mir's checking out a stain on the carpet.
And, at long last, our esteemed blogger herself, AR, enters the picture! And is also chilling at the Mirbunker, for the reason that we'd already set up the room and were basically just putting together her avatar. 1 / 2 / 3
And, taken a while back, but haounomiko got some wonderful glamour shots of briyante posing and enjoying the Tenba facilities-- and IIRC none of you have seen what she looks like yet, so I had to show these off when I got them in my inbox. 1 / 2 / 3
And finally, courtesy of haounomiko-- JAKURI PER4MANCE UPGRADES 4 UR MIND. That's all I have to say.
Have we really not shown what briyante looks like before despite my having five million shots of her? I suppose I did get a lot of OOC ones for those photo contests. Something about her just makes her a particularly good model for photography (other than that she's just pretty-- lots of avatars are pretty, but she's got something special.)
I really don't think we ever did, no! I think a lot of them were in places like SL Chinatown, and I didn't want to have that as a background for obvious reasons-- and I think we were waiting on getting Official™ Reyvablog Photoshoot pics of her, and then we did some of the others first, and then it was AT2 time and we never did the other half of the photos.
We need to get some of her and AR in some of the locations I have landmarked, sometime. Also, we need to make a polyhymnia.
Also, I must say that I do think it's randomly really awesome that one of our RP characters, of all people, ended up having something awesome about her that makes her a good model. It's not like we planned for it; she just naturally is, the same way some people naturally are. That's neat.
Yeah. Well, I always had in mind that she was very proud of the fact that she was pretty, and that that was what she considered compensation for being all sickly. So it's good that she came out actually model-worthy so that she can show off her prettiness. :)
Official™ Reyvablog Photoshoot
Also, I like that you trademarked "official". Good luck collecting royalties on that one!
It really is. It's a nice little character-enhancing bonus, especially since... saying someone's pretty is something you can do well enough in a book, but when you're working with things like SL, it's harder to actually achieve. I just think it's neat that an RP character can get to model just like anyone else, and also that no one knows they're an RP character. :)
On the internet, no one knows you're fictional. =D
Exactly! It's really awesome. =D
Mir looks so cozy in that second Mirbunker image...
They're rather dark though. Actually, I kind of get that feel from most of these screenshots. Maybe I'm just more used to FFXI (where caves at night are still fairly well lit), or CoH (similar). (Though sewers in the Rogue Isles at least remind one of the Black Bears in the Black Forest at midnight.)
Incidentally, I'm hoping someone will ask what the "bad mental images" were. Imagining the way she'd describe it was amusing enough to keep me going on a very boring night's work...
Also, some OOC knowlege to burden you with, so that I won't forget about it:
winters' girlfriend's real name is Rena. Source - the name I used on the "suppotail" game/site. Source of that - Probably Star Ocean 2.
At some point, winters thought she'd need something to refer to Rena as in conversations online other than "my girlfriend". winters' suggestion of "summer's" was summarily rejected, and Karen was chosen instead. OOCly, I picked Karen basically at random, but then I noticed that if you drop the K, it's an anagram of Rena. I think that fits both their senses of humor.
winters' real name is Arisa. Source - Arisa Glennorth, one of my favorite characters from Stellvia. winters is theoretically supposed to be written as "winter's", as in "belonging to winter". Both ICly and OOCly most sites don't like apostrophes in usernames, and neither of us bothers with it much most of the time.
...okay, I'll bite. =D What were the bad mental images? (I know too well the fun of extendedly replying to conversations in your head that you'll never get a chance to answer in person, so I'm happy to indulge.)
And yay, OOC info! As for that kind of stuff for my own characters, well... wait and see.
(Forgive me if comment is short/blunt-- I've been up all night working on tomorrow's/today's post and I have little mental resources to spare for creative thought....)
Someone needs to ask ICly or it's no good! ^_-
Unfortunately I think the time might now have passed for people to be wondering about such things....
But I'm still deadly curious. XP
I'm sorry, but I'm unable to restrain my snark in this case.
Congratulations, you've managed to make me hate Mir.
Arisa Glennorth! Haha, now I'm picturing winters hanging out complaining about homework and tackleglomping Karen all the time. Perhaps winters is a little more down-to-earth... er, no pun intended!
polyhymnia's real name is Lizzie. Elizabeth, technically. Because not long after I invented her, I saw a picture of Lizzie McGuire and I practically shrieked "that girl looks EXACTLY like polyhymnia", and I've never been able to get it out of my head that that's her name. Even though it's a little bit old-fashioned for the sorts of names you see on the Reyvablog, I suppose some names-- like Cynthia-- have stood the test of time.
briyante's name is Nikiya.
winters: ...You, or your character?
If the former... aah, that really wasn't the intended effect! Can we discuss this, maybe? Because I know where I'm going with this plot, and what I intend, and... well, I also don't want to spoil it. But I'd like to discuss this, I think....
Me-the-author's. winters-the-character has significantly different feelings for reasons I don't feel I can explain adequately.
Though I should probably say that this would apply only to this particular expression of Mir. Part of that being open to character variations that I talked about on the forum is that sometimes I can accept ones where I end up having a widely varying opinion of the character. (Though someone would have to really work hard to make me like Mildred Avalon...)
Beyond that, both character and author have some ideas about possible courses of events, which may or may not change things, and that both of us are currently inclined to keep to ourselves for the moment and see what happens. (That sounded a lot less cryptic when I thought it.)
I'll write up the "bad mental images" thing when I'm not feeling so irritable. Still going to do it in IC format though, the delivery is important!
(Irritability not due to this, btw, but to a combination of a long day at work, not enough sleep, and not having had a hot shower in a week. Especially the last one. x.x )
(Rawr. I keep forgetting how far you are, so... game end spoilers for AT2 in this comment? I'll ROT13 them.... Pop the third paragraph in there to translate.)
Looking forward to seeing it. =D
But yes, I'll refrain from further discussion-- but still, I hope I can get you to change your mind over the course of the story, because I think if you end feeling (this story's) Mir is evil, I will have failed at conveying what I want to convey. And as an author, that's a big failure for me. That said... well, it's all up in the air right now, and I can imagine being angry towards her for a time.
Gubhtu V jbaqre... qvq lbh ungr Vasry? Fur onfvpnyyl jnagrq gb qb gur fnzr guvat, naq gevrq gb, rkprcg fur jnf tbvat gb qryvire (cbffvoyl, naq fhowrpg gb vagrecergngvba) n jbeyq jurer crbcyr jbhyqa'g rira or noyr gb vagrenpg ng gur raq bs vg. Jnf fur n ungrnoyr svther?
(Also, erp. Good luck on the hot shower front. x.x Water broken, or something?)
Interesting question. The answer basically is no, but I don't really feel up to explaining why at the moment. Pity that's the important part. `.`
Well, I suppose we'll see how things turn out. Though I do wonder if, in a situation such as this, Shurelia *will* be available for comment? `.`
Hot water heater gave out. Several parts of the process of getting it replaced have been far more involved than they had any good reason to be. Though, I believe it's actually working now. I just haven't quite worked up the energy to actually go shower now. I'm so glad I have tomorrow off...
Good luck with resting/showering/eventually having energy to shower/generally feeling better. :)
What, genocide didn't make you hate Mir, but her attempt at making a good future for people does? (Seconded on the spoilery text. It's really not different, except that this one doesn't sound as bad to me. =D)
By the way, winters, did you see this? https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=4847314667584980632&postID=2041554689010894327
Given the way that got truncated... Maybe? `.`
I don't think it was truncated, just wrapped around my image... but anyway, you did see it because you responded, so s'all good.
It doesn't look like it's wrapping around the image. It just gets to the end of the column, and... stops. Yet it still appears if I c&p that region. Weird.
Logged into CoH tonight and was reminded that my AT homage character there is Shia Arisa Plenilune. Huh. Well, it's not like reusing my references is anything surprising from me. `.`
I'm getting kind of stuck coming up with a way to have winters reference the song "Land of Confusion"... -.-
Heh! Genesis? That song's kind of oddly fitting for the blog as a whole. Though maybe more the beginning than the end-- it's a very activist song.
Mm. This part...
"This is the world we live in,
And these are the hands we're given.
Use them and let's start trying,
To make it a place worth fighting for."
... really feels like it'd speak to someone who isn't comfortable with giving up on the world they've got though.
But with the "humans can't sing" thing, it's a pain to reference songs with male vocals. -.-
(I probably know the song best as the opening theme to "Neon Exodus Evangelion"... `.` )
But with the "humans can't sing" thing, it's a pain to reference songs with male vocals. -.-
I do the "it's an artificial male vocal" thing, a lot. Or... search on Wikipedia to see if anyone's ever covered that song?
(Also, wow. Blast from the past-- I remember that fic. O.o)
I was a bit confused to see the last post say "Posted by neonsunray" when it's obviously not her... Wonder if there's a way to fix that. `.`
Sadly, there wasn't. The post had already been commented on, so I did what any artist does when faced with a mistake: I made it into part of the plot. =D
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