Just so you know, you can now treat yourself, courtesy of the Reyvablog, to a selection of pro-Reyvateil-rights goodies! We've got shirts, caps and mugs in a variety of designs, and we've done our best to make everything size- and style-inclusive within the limitations of Cafepress' system-- if you need something in a size or style it isn't in, let me know.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you-- the proud, the few, the greatly appreciated-- who have participated in the Reyvablog up until now. We couldn't have done it, and couldn't continue to do it, without you, and trust me when I say that all of you who've participated have contributed something invaluable. You've all played along with the spirit of the blog extremely well, needing little guidance or instruction, and it's been inspiring to see what you've all done with the format. You've challenged our expectations, brought in new content and plot twists, and generally done an excellent job of Getting It. We hope you'll stick with us until the very end; the best is yet to come, so do keep checking back for updates, as we're forging ahead with the plot.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Aaah, wings of hope!! Was yea ra chs hymmnos mea~! ▼ And a Mir theme!
There is too much awesome in this shirt for my poor, fragile mind. *melts*
I want~~~ it so much, but it's not like I have anything to spend right now. Rrha. Must bug someone else about this.
Maybe there should be a Last Boss's White Mug, since there can't be a black one... But then how would it be hers? Maybe if you put ruffles on it...
Awww! It could symbolise the purity of Jakuri's true inner self, and her desires to start anew. Maybe the design could be the same as the one on the black mug, but emphasising the black parts of her outfit, instead of the white ones?
It would still have the NSFW problem. =D
Not if your boss is Mir. =D
Anyway, Mir in general has that problem. XD
I'm not sure what... any of the non-text on the "Institutionalized Slavery" design is supposed to be. `.`
Also, as a fan of Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa, I did a bit of a doubletake upon seeing the most recent Reyvablog post...
(I hope this isn't as hard to post as my last comment. I had to resubmit that one at least 5 times...)
I'm not sure what... any of the non-text on the "Institutionalized Slavery" design is supposed to be. `.`
Tenba logo. :)
Also, as a fan of Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa, I did a bit of a doubletake upon seeing the most recent Reyvablog post...
Elaborate? I'm curious... (and haven't seen that series/show/game/thing).
...ah, never mind, I looked it up. "My Two Wings" is the translated title.
I actually got that phrase from part of the standard Hymmnos download chant: "chsee fwal fwal yor" (you will wear two wings). Just thought it might be a known phrase in their culture. :)
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