Long story short: please go here for the new unofficially-official forums, which will be run by a team of moderators (the better to spread power) and backed up daily with database dumps so that we can restore them if something should go wrong.
Many, many thanks to wizzardx for hosting and technical advice, and Deciare for more technical advice, in the face of this problem-- and to all who contributed, listened, or were simply there for us.
Here's to Metafalica: the new green land.
Also, please post in your blogs about this if you can. We need as many people as possible to know that these are the new forums in order to avoid confusion and community fracture. Please tell everyone you know!
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
You guys who did all the technical stuff really busted your butts on this! *hugs* Very very nice work!
Glad to have been in the cheering squad, lolz There's nothing else I could have helped with anyway.
You've already told everyone I know. Including our friends who don't even know Ar tonelico or go to the forums. =D
(Yeah, I know, the account is a lol. Posting with this because it's easier than messing with logins at the moment.)
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